Until "Finding Nemo, " the most successful Disney animated film was 1994’s "The Lion King." In addition to its theatrical and home video successes, the concept spawned a Tony-award winning stage musical and a direct-to-video sequel, [...]
What is generally considered the best season of the show, is now available on DVD for the first time. ’Angel: Season 3’ has some true series highlights and also marks some technical innovations as this was the first installment of the series to be [...]
On 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s release of “Firefly” the studio has hidden I highly entertaining additional feature. Insert the fourth disc of the DVD set and from the Main Menu go to the “Special Feature.” On the second screen of these [...]
Ching Siu Tung’s ’Duel To The Death’ is once again coming to DVD, this time from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. It is the story of two warriors preparing to fight an annual ritual, a duel to the death between the Shaolin and the Japanese to [...]
With Danny DeVito’s "Hoffa, " 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is serving up a spectacular movie as a grand DVD, complete with great supplements. "Hoffa," of course, tells the story of Jimmy Hoffa, the legendary and controversial [...]
On 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s release of the teenage drama “Thirteen” the studio has added a deleted scene, hidden from immediate view. Here is how to get to it. Insert the fullscreen version of the DVD in your player and on the Main Menu [...]
With its great cast, consisting of Jack Lemmon, Rita Hayworth and Robert Mitchum, its colorful, picturesque settings and a story that puts you under its spell, ’Fire Down Below’ is a wonderful inter-personal drama that spins out of control. Felix and [...]
Messages from the Great Beyond or a load of crop? The 2002 documentary ’Crop Circles: Quest For Truth’ tackles the seemingly inexplicable phenomenon of crop circles. Eschewing narration, producer/director William Gazecki follows a large group of [...]
On Buena Vista Home Entertainment’s release of “Under The Tuscan Sun” the studio has included a very revealing Easter Egg. From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Bonus Features.” There, highlight the menu entry “Register Your DVD” and then [...]
’Comic Book’ is Mark Hamill’s loving tribute to the comic book fandom as he made a spoof documentary on the subject that is as poignant as it is hilarious. As documentary Donald Swan he takes to the iconoclastic San Diego ’Comicon’ where we [...]