Paramount Home Entertainment has scheduled Michael Bay’s Transformers: Age of Extinction for release on Blu-Ray Disc and DVD in September. “Transformers: Age of Extinction” begins after an epic battle left a great city torn, but with the world [...]
Doctor Who has returned to television screens this week, and the twelfth doctor has just officially stepped out of the Tardis. To satisfy fans around the world, BBC Home Entertainment has just announced the feature-length season premiere episode Deep [...]
Entertainment One has revealed details about their upcoming release of The Hunted, scheduling the film for DVD in September. “The Hunted” follows family-man, hunter, Jake, played by Josh Stewart, alongside his best friend Stevie (Ronnie Gene Blevins) [...]
Always the purveyor of European cult films, Blue Underground has prepared a Blu-Ray Double Feature that offers Italian director Bruno Mattei’s “Hell of the Living Dead” alongside with “Rats: Night of Terror” on one disc. Both [...]
A new two-episode made-for-TV movie has recently picked up Ira Levin’s brooding psychological horror thriller “Rosemary’s Baby” and repackaged it with a new cast and a new script. Now that Lionsgate has released the Blu-Ray version of the film, I [...]
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has just announced the upcoming release of Edge of Tomorrow, the science fiction thriller starring Tom Cruise. The epic action of “Edge of Tomorrow” unfolds in a near future in which an alien race has hit the Earth in [...]
This morning, Scream Factory has unveiled details about the upcoming 4-disc Blu-Ray version of The Vincent Price Collection Volume II, scheduled for release just in time for Halloween. This collector’s set will include seven Vincent Price movies, [...]
Well Go USA Entertainment has announced the upcoming release of the Hong Kong action film Firestorm, scheduling it for Blu-Ray and DVD release in September. A storm is heading toward the city of Hong Kong, threatening the lives of everyone in its path. [...]
Showtime Networks, CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution have just announced the first season of the gothic TV series Penny Dreadful to hit Blu-Ray Disc and DVD this fall, as announced during the “Penny Dreadful” panel at [...]