In the early 80s, the animated feature film "Heavy Metal" became in instant cult classic upon its release to theaters. Combining flashy imagery with a lot of violence and gratuitous sex, the film was the animated version of the comic book series [...]
Step by step, DVD is taking one hurdle after the other. As early adopters we have been waiting and seeing Buena Vista, Paramount and 20th Century Fox come around to release DVD titles after a long time of trepidation. We have seen Dreamworks enter the [...]
Ever since the late eighties when computer generated images first surfaced, I was always glued to my TV screen when they broadcast all the entries from the "Ars Electronica" a huge dedicated computer film festival in Europe, sponsored by the [...]
I am always getting excited when little known films are coming to DVD. The prospect of short films making it to home video, let away DVD are slim to say the least, and it was with surprise and excitement that I noticed 20th Century Fox Home [...]
As time goes by and many great films celebrate their umpteenth Anniversaries, film restoration is becoming more and more of an issue. Sometimes these projects focus mostly on preserving the images as we got to know them, sometimes changes are made and [...]
Before Jeffrey Katzenberg left Disney a few years ago and co-founded Dreamworks SKG with his friends David Geffen and Steven Spielberg he was heading Disney’s animation department and led them back to glory after a hefty plunge in the eighties. Movies [...]
Once again we have an example here how stunning animated films can look on DVD when they are done right. Warner Home Video has released "The King And I", an animated film, based on one of Broadway’s most successful musicals. I had talked with [...]
Computer technology has taken filmmakers from the stone ages of film making to completely new heights. You don’t believe me? Well, take it from someone who knows then, from the man who started it all because he was aggravated with the encumbrances [...]
One of the trademarks of all Disney animated films is the fact that they appeal to everyone. Although animated and cute by nature, they don’t appeal to children only and they never have the serious, adult note of many other animated movies of recent [...]
Since Pixar’s acclaimed "Toy Story" hit theaters and video stores in 1995, computer animated feature-length films have been a newly evolving genre. Image rendering technologies have progressed substantially over the past years and new hardware [...]