"Inside Deep Throat" is the documentary focusing on the controversial and wildly successful adult film "Deep Throat" that featured 23-year-old Linda Lovelace. It's June 12, 1972 and right in the heart of Times Square Manhattan, a [...]
We all boast about our extravagant DVD collections. I have met countless people who strive to have more DVD's than anyone they know. Take a quick look at your collection though. I'm sure it is filled with genre pictures and television shows that [...]
Criterion has recently released the 2-disc Orson Welles essay/documentary, 1976's "F For Fake". It is exceptional. In 1938, Welles On-the-Air Mercury Theatre broadcast "War of the Worlds". It was a hoax… But it caused a [...]
Like countless others, I’ve been a fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s "The Phantom Of The Opera" musical version for some time but I did have some difficulties wrapping my mind around the thought of perceiving this musical as a movie production [...]
Trey Parker and Matt Stone are once again applying their crude humor to a feature film as opposed to some South Park episode. And once again the result is a remarkable and hilarious movie that breaks with all convention and has a very distinct signature. [...]
When former Bonanza-star Michael Landon produced and worked on the TV series and TV movies of "Little House On The Prairie" from 1974 to 1984, everyone thought it was the zenith of his career. However, immediately after he visited the successful [...]
It took them 8 years but finally, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment has got it right. After regularly butchering the Hong Kong movies they had in their licensed library with sub-par transfers and no supplements to speak of, finally the studio has [...]
With a great cast and a classic bad, greedy landowner rules a Western small town until the good guys come in to run him down plot, "Silverado" is great fun for fans of the Western genre. It is a wonderful production that isn’t taking itself [...]
It is hard to believe how fast kids are forced to grow up nowadays. I remember a time when pre-teens were anxious for the next Disney movie to come out. Those days are over, as most of today’s "family" movies usually contain a more mature [...]
In the small world of overtly political films, all roads eventually lead back to "The Battle of Algiers, " a Molotov cocktail lobbed at imperialism by Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo. Made less than a decade after Algeria won its independence [...]