Based on Ken Follet's best-selling novel of the same name, "Pillars Of The Earth" tells the fictional story of a small rural village in England that rises to power amidst struggles of war. It is an epic novel with a plot line that spans [...]
Dysfunctional families have been inviting themselves into homes for years. With the golden ticket of DVD and Blu-ray, The Tenenbaums, Hoods ('The Ice Storm'), and Grapes ('What's Eating Gilbert Grape') have given viewers a diverse [...]
There are phrases that automatically change the perception if a film. 'Based on a true story' and 'Inspired by actual events' may pop up on opening or closing credits to give the movie a jolt of emotional impact. Psychologically, the [...]
Grace (Eva Amurri) has problems. She is a summer away from college, but has no way to pay for the additional education. Her mother Rhonda (Amurri's real life mom, Susan Sarandon) has taken advantage of Grace's credit by opening cards in her name [...]
Celebrating the movie's 25th anniversary, Warner Home Video has just released a beautiful Blu-Ray version of "The Goonies, " bringing this awesomely inspired adventure film to high definition for the first time. Written by Steven Spielberg [...]
When "Band of Brothers" flickered across TV screens a few years ago, audiences were mesmerized by the HBO series for a number of reasons. Not only did the long, episodic running time of the show all for in-depth characters and stories that [...]
FX is like the 'Little Engine That Could' when it comes to quality television. While HBO and Showtime grab the majority of headlines with their original series, FX continually flies under the radar with great shows like 'Nip/Tuck', [...]
Based on James Fenimore Cooper's classic novels from the "Leatherstocking" series, director Michael Mann took the second book in the quintology as the source for his epic adventure movie, "The Last Of The Mohicans" to turn it into [...]
"Desperate Housewives" is abc's hot ticket, of course, one of the most successful shows the network has ever had in production, and it is easy to see why. As many of you may have figured out by now, underneath the glossy facade of beautiful [...]
Humphrey Bogart was the epitome of the classic tough-as-nails gumshoe. In many of his films, his characters became iconic portrayals of heroes and unlikely-heroes alike, as he conquered the world with his films and created memorably movie history. Many of [...]