
All The Pretty Horses

May 16, 2001 // 0 Comments

Ted Tally. Matt Damon. Billy Bob Thornton. What do these three gentlemen have in common? A big fat Oscar a piece for their screenwriting talents, that’s what. Put these three in a room, throw in a best selling novel, and one could expect a pretty darn [...]

Horatio Hornblower: The Adventure Continues

May 9, 2001 // 0 Comments

Back in the golden age of Hollywood nothing spelled certain box office success like a rip-roaring swashbuckler. Crowds thrilled to the derring-do of Errol Flynn and Tyrone Powers as they sailed and slashed their way across the Caribbean — [...]

Soldier Of Orange

May 8, 2001 // 0 Comments

Director Paul Verhoeven is an undeniable force in Hollywood. With films like "Robocop, " "Total Recall," and "Basic Instinct" under his belt, it became clear that this was a guy who could churn out the hits. And then came [...]


April 23, 2001 // 0 Comments

Back when bell bottoms were hip and America was awash in the optimism of celebrating its Bicentennial, a good-looking but lumpy actor with the very un-cool name of Sylvester connected with us average joes in a little film he wrote and acted in called [...]


April 20, 2001 // 0 Comments

Perversion, lust, pain and even necrophilia are subject touched upon in "Quills," 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s latest DVD release. The film is out to explore the depths of the human mind in the form of the Marquis De Sade, who has [...]

Men Of Honor

April 17, 2001 // 0 Comments

It’s becoming clearer to me that constructing a successful theatrical trailer is a real art — and a dying one at that. Too often these two minute snapshots either reveal every last plot point in a movie or focus so much on the stars that the story [...]

The Great Gatsby

April 12, 2001 // 0 Comments

My slacker days have just come back to haunt me. I’ll come clean: I’ve never read "The Great Gatsby." I took American Literature in college, but the syllabus in that class required "Tender is the Night," which I still managed to [...]

Dancer In The Dark

April 9, 2001 // 0 Comments

Writer/Director Lars Von Trier (Breaking the Waves) made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival this past year with his re-invention of the musical, "Dancer In the Dark." The film which won the Palm D’or for Best Film, also garnered a Best [...]

The Phantom Lover

April 6, 2001 // 0 Comments

Whenever director Ronny Yu and cinematographer Peter Pau get together, viewers can be assured that the result will be a hauntingly beautiful film. Whether it is the "The Bride with White Hair", series or even "Warriors of Virtue" or [...]

A Passage To India

April 3, 2001 // 0 Comments

When David Lean’s "A Passage to India" opened in 1984, some saw it as a showdown between the glory days of literate epic filmmaking and the "feel-good" ethos of the Lucas/Spielberg popcorn juggernauts. Who better than the director of [...]
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