Before Sunset
What would happen if, for just one day, you met someone that you fell deeply in love with? Now imagine 9 years have passed and one day you finally get to see that person again. This is where "Before Sunset" picks up from the conclusion of the [...]
Last Train From Gun Hill
Though not a real Western fan, every once in a while I do enjoy films from this genre and then they remind me just how much I liked these films when I was younger. They really do have something and John Sturges’ "Last Train From Gun Hill" is [...]
The China Syndrome: Special Edition
When I first saw "The China Syndrome" a long time back I had no idea what the term actually meant. But ever since I saw this film, it has become indelibly part of my vocabulary as the film vividly describes the effects of such a nuclear [...]
Philadelphia: Anniversary Edition
It’s been 10 years already since "Philadelphia" hit theaters and looking back at it, I have to admit that I look at the film with mixed emotions. While there can be no doubt that the film itself is a powerful and emotional look at the impact [...]
Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind
Jim Carrey deserves an Oscar Nomination for this film. There! I’ve said it. Not only is Jim Carrey’s performance in "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind" absolutely magnificent, but what’s even more surprising is how believably well [...]
Star Wars Trilogy
It may have taken a small eternity, but finally the wait is over and the original Star Wars Trilogy is making its DVD debut in a 4-disc box set, featuring all three films , "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return Of [...]
Angel: Season 4
Many fans of the series would agree that during Angel’s five-year run, season four was it’s strongest. It was the first, and only, time that the series made a drastic change in format. Nearly all episodes, 22 in total, ran along a single continuous [...]
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Complete Sixth Season
After 5 years at the WB, executive producer and creator Joss Whedon moved Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies over to the UPN. At the conclusion of season five, Whedon decided to take advantage of the network changes and kill Buffy off in the fifth season [...]