Christopher Reeve


October 23, 2014 // 0 Comments

Many films never get the attention they truly deserve and in retrospect Sidney Lumet’s “Deathtrap” seems to be such an example. There is nothing spectacular about the film, no real blockbuster star power and nothing overtly controversial. Although [...]

Superman II: Two-Disc Special Edition

January 31, 2007 // 0 Comments

Following on the heels of 1978's mega-blockbuster "Superman: The Movie, " the 1980 sequel found its way to theaters not without its share of backstage drama. With Richard Donner leaving production after filming much of it concurrently with [...]

Superman: The Movie – Four-Disc Special Edition

December 18, 2006 // 0 Comments

Look! Up in the sky! It's…well, you know. We are all more than familiar with the Superman mythology by now, and over the past few weeks, it seems that every incarnation of the comic book legend has been spruced up, repackaged, and placed [...]

Superman: The Movie

December 15, 2006 // 0 Comments

It's simply been a long time since I last sat down to watch the original "Superman", or any of it's sequels for that matter. I now had the chance to view the newest addition to the HD-DVD catalog lineup, 1978's "Superman: The [...]

Remains Of The Day

February 25, 2002 // 0 Comments

Repression does have a name, and its Stevens the butler, played masterfully by Sir Anthony Hopkins. Hopkins helms the title role with uncanny subtlety and subdued passion, as his character simply honors duty before self – and to a fault. Strong evidence [...]

Superman: The Movie

May 10, 2001 // 0 Comments

Wednesday, December 20, 1978. I had just gotten over a bout with walking pneumonia. One benefit was it kept me out of the 10th grade for four days. The down side was that it prevented me from seeing "Superman: The Movie" during its opening [...]

Superman II

May 10, 2001 // 0 Comments

1981’s ’Superman II, ’ continuing the adventures begun in Richard Donner’s 1978 epic, makes its DVD debut with considerably less fanfare than its newly restored predecessor. While Warner Home Video clearly directed its efforts in repairing the [...]


September 9, 1999 // 0 Comments

Many films never get the attention they truly deserve and in retrospect Sidney Lumet’s "Deathtrap" seems to be such an example. There is nothing spectacular about the film, no real blockbuster star power and nothing controversial. Although [...]