Ridley Scott's dark thriller "Black Rain" is often getting the short shrift compared to his other, more prestigious movies. In many ways I think, undeservedly so. "Black Rain" is a solid thriller with a great cast and a cool [...]
After watching and reviewing the HD-DVD version of Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride" before the weekend, I also decided to take a close look at the Blu-Ray version of the film and see how these two high definition incarnations compare. Revisiting [...]
Revisiting the stop-motion puppet animation style he established with "The Nightmare Before Christmas, " Tim Burton serves up another wonderful tale filled with atmosphere and his trademark look. After successful run in theaters and a smashing [...]
David Mamet is one of the foremost American playwrights living today. Since the 1970s, his plays have inspired accolades and controversy in equal measures due to their poetic dialogue and often shocking frankness. Director Stuart Gordon's reputation [...]
The phenomenon that is "KISS" keeps going and going and going. What started out originally as a unique and radically flashy rock band has turned into a huge corporation over the past 30 years with Gene Simmons seemingly dead-set to milk it for [...]
"Bring out your dead!" Those devilish pranksters known as Monty Python are at it again in the umpteenth re-release of one of their most enduring films. After their first feature, 1972's "And Now for Something Completely Different, [...]
I always find it dubious if studios decide to have films remade that were essentially perfect in the first place. I mean where can you go, but down? The flurry of uninspired remakes of the past years has shown on countless occasions that remaking a [...]
The world of professional wrestling is a colorful one, filled with larger-than-life characters and heart-pounding action. For more than 40 years, the title of WWE Champion has been one of the most coveted distinctions in professional sports. The [...]
Culled from the five different "Star Trek" shows ("The Original Series, " "The Next Generation, " "Deep Space Nine," "Voyager" and "Enterprise"), "Star Trek Fan Collective: Klingon" [...]
20 years after leaving his zombies behind in "Day Of The Dead" and countless tribulations to get another sequel financed, George A. Romero finally had the chance to revisit the sub-genre he made so successful – and that made him a living [...]