
Art Lover

July 1, 1999 // 0 Comments

Interestingly, "Art Lover" is not your typical Vivid fare and is somehow more content oriented than many of their other releases – content oriented in Vivid terms that is. The film is a hardcore adult movie with petite Kobe Tai in the lead [...]

Holy Man

July 1, 1999 // 0 Comments

Buena Vista present Eddie Murphy’s latest film in a gorgeous letterbox transfer on this DVD. The image is sharp with plenty of detail and strong colors. The transfer looks very balanced and clean, and the disc’s overall color reproduction is superb. [...]

Taxi Driver

June 24, 1999 // 0 Comments

"Taxi Driver" has radically changed Robert DeNiro’s career back in 1976, establishing him as a first class character actor. The reason is blatantly obvious to everyone watching this powerful film by director Martin Scorcese, which sent DeNiro [...]

Pork Chop Hill

June 23, 1999 // 0 Comments

MGM Home Entertainment presents the gripping war drama “Pork Chop Hill” in its theatrical 1.85:1 widescreen aspect ratio, as well as an open matte transfer on this disc. The open matte transfer reveals some additional picture information than the [...]

The Johnsons

June 23, 1999 // 0 Comments

Anchor Bay presents “The Johnsons” in a 1.85:1 letterboxed aspect ratio on this DVD. The picture is very clear and the source material shows only minor wear and scratches. The picture itself is somewhat dark and flat, but one can assume this has to do [...]

Babe: Pig In The City

June 23, 1999 // 0 Comments

“Pig In The City” comes with a 16×9 enhanced 1.85:1 widescreen transfer and a fullscreen version on the same disc, which is a mix between an open matte and a pan & scan presentation. Both are stunning, producing a vividly sharp image with [...]

Shoot Out

June 23, 1999 // 0 Comments

“Shoot Out” contains a pan & scan version of the film in an exceedingly clean transfer. This transfer has been digitally restored to achieve the level of quality required for this release. Unfortunately some restoration artifacts are evident in [...]

What Dreams May Come

June 14, 1999 // 0 Comments

While most of us probably try not to think about death, it is often a popular subject in film. More specifically, many films tackle the subject of the afterlife and what it may contain for us. The latest film to tackle this controversial topic is Vincent [...]

Bonnie & Clyde

June 6, 1999 // 0 Comments

With the recent incidents in Colorado, the nation has once again focused on violence in film. Over the years, the debate over ultra-violent movies has gone on, with the quarrel coming to a head every few years. However, many of us don’t focus on the [...]

A Simple Plan

June 6, 1999 // 0 Comments

If you had told me seventeen years ago that in 1998 Sam Raimi would direct an Oscar nominated film, I would have immediately believed you. Of course, I would have thought that the film in question was "Evil Dead IV" or something down those [...]
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