Among guitar aficionados the term "G3" usually causes immediate salivating and feverish looks, while the rest of the world may just wonder, "What is G3?" In 1996 three guitar legends teamed up together for a very unique tour to give [...]
From the producer of ’Gone With The Wind, ’ ’Duel In The Sun’ is a movie just as epic and picturesque. Telling the story of the half-breed Indian girl, Pearl, the film follows the conflict and events surrounding her living with a rich white land [...]
Charlie Chaplin would have loved digital filmmaking. Watch his films (especially the Mutual two-reelers) and you see an artist in love with the technology of movies. When film was not malleable enough, only then did he resort to props (e.g. the shoe [...]
In our fevered ’been there, done that’ culture, people sometimes disregard the fact that great artists often revisit themes over the course of their creative lives. How many times did Hitchcock explore the idea of someone falsely accused? The works of [...]
Thanks to films such as the "Nightmare on Elm Sreet" series and "An American Werewolf in London", today’s audiences are accustomed to the seamless incorporation of dream sequences into movies. While movies have always featured dreams [...]
When it comes to the music of that band out of Manchester, The Smiths, there is very little middle ground — you either love them or hate them. If you fall into the latter camp, this DVD will do nothing to convince you otherwise. If, however, you are [...]
With every new release of a movie by cult director Tim Burton, viewers can rest assured that the vision they are presented with in each particular film is a rather unique one, no matter how familiar the thematic itself may be. Burton managed to flesh out [...]
When, some years ago, I first read Anne Rice’s novel "Interview with the Vampire", I was impressed by the unique, romantic view she used to explore the vampire subject. Ever since the publication of the novel, the genre has been turned upside [...]
For those of you who are reading this to get a review of the content of ’The X-Files: Season One Collector’s Edition’, just bear with me for a moment. Because, first, instead of reviewing the box set, I must review the box itself. If you haven’t [...]
I think Stephen King was a great writer… once. That was before his works became overly bloated, less imaginative, and removed from the horror roots I so much cherished. In that light it should be hardly surprising that I never gave the novels of the [...]