Silicon Valley is a place where robbers don’t necessarily focus on banks, but also on the storage rooms of high tech companies. Microprocessors, memory banks and other microchips can make fortunes on the black market. ’New World Disorder’ takes such [...]
Just before he went to work on his now infamous "Dawn Of The Dead, " director George A. Romero created a movie that had vampirism as the central premise. Don’t expect a romantic gothic Transylvanian tale of count Dracula or one of his breed. [...]
As a rule, your average biography does a good job of telling the life story of the person on which it’s focusing. But, rarely does a biography take on the persona of that person. This is the case with "Man on the Moon", which tells the life [...]
"Bad Boys" was Michael Bay’s directorial debut, and as we all know, the director now commands impressive budgets, like his current production "Pearl Harbor" which has a budget of $145 million or "Armageddon" that weighed in [...]
Splicing ’Pulp Fiction’-esque gab with the feel-good ethos of the ’Rocky’ saga, ’Play It To The Bone’ charms as an insightful dramedy from writer/director Ron Shelton (’Bull Durham’). Fate intercedes in the over-the-hill lives of [...]
Most of you certainly remember Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas’ unscrupulous character in Oliver Stone’s 1987 drama "Wall Street, " one of the few Hollywood movies that tackled the inside of Wall Street and the stock market. Due to its inate [...]
’Hanging Up’ is a sweet and romantic look at the relationship three sisters have to their cranky father. It is a lighthearted comedy with some dramatic and emotional undertones that is perfectly brought to live through Diane Keaton, Meg Ryan, Lisa [...]
Some movies are blessed — genius direction, script, actors, and editing. Others are cursed — troubled production, butchered edits, and deteriorating film stock. Few movies are both blessed and cursed. The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Dreyer [...]
With his macho-action-hero-image, Bruce Willis has earned the loyal following of legions of fans, but it is easy to forget that the actor is also a brilliant comedian, who has actually spent a greater amount of time making people laugh, than blowing [...]
Long before the whole world was fascinated with the art of special effects, and long before they were almost solely dominated by computer generated imagery, a movie appeared that used film special effects as a narrative tool in a thriller plot. The year [...]