
The Dukes Of Hazzard

March 27, 2006 // 0 Comments

It seems as though there has been a trend in Hollywood over the past few years where movies based on TV shows either have been made, or are definitely in the works. "Charlie's Angels, " "Starsky and Hutch, " "Scooby [...]

Lady And The Tramp: 50th Anniversary Platinum Edition

March 24, 2006 // 0 Comments

It's always a true pleasure and genuine delight to be entertained by a Walt Disney Classic, especially the "Platinum Edition" fully restored two-disc special editions that have been making their way to the marketplace only twice per [...]

The Shaggy Dog

March 17, 2006 // 0 Comments

In time to coincide with the remake starring Tim Allen, the original 1959 "The Shaggy Dog" has been released on DVD by Walt Disney Pictures. In this film, a young boy is transformed in his neighbor's sheepdog by a magic ring. With a father [...]

Good Night, And Good Luck

March 16, 2006 // 0 Comments

Not only as an actor but also as a director, George Clooney, proves over and over again that he knows his chops. With his latest film "Good Night, And Good Luck," which he directed and stars in, he takes on the political nightmare that went down [...]

Lost: The Series Pilot Episode

March 15, 2006 // 0 Comments

ABC's "Lost" series has garnered a huge fan base, won multiple Emmy Awards, yet I never seemed to take the time to watch this show on television. Now its not that "Lost" doesn't appeal to me, it's simply a matter of me [...]

John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns

March 14, 2006 // 0 Comments

The "Masters Of Horror" series of TV movies has been hailed and awaited by many horror fans. Unlike the "Tales From The Crypt" series, these films are not being created by mainstream actors and directors wanting to try their hand in [...]

Near Dark

March 13, 2006 // 0 Comments

Anchor Bay's dedication to the UMD format continues with their recent releases of Wes Craven's 1977 original "The Hills Have Eyes" and Kathryn Bigelow's vampire-fuelled cult favorite "Near Dark". Anxiously looking [...]

Undertaking Betty

March 3, 2006 // 0 Comments

Also known as "Plots With a View, " "Undertaking Betty" is a funny, slightly morbid comedy set in a Welsh small town. Since childhood the local undertaker Boris Plots (Alfred Molina) has been in love with Betty Rhys-Jones (Brenda [...]

King Arthur

March 2, 2006 // 0 Comments

I've never been a big fan of movies set in the medieval "sword/bow and arrow" era. For some reason, I've always found them uninteresting and a tad bit bland for my tastes. Perhaps that's the sci-fi side of me speaking, but it [...]

Zu Warriors

March 2, 2006 // 0 Comments

Tsui Hark is a living legend of Fantasia movies. In his long and industrious career he created some of the most mesmerizing, staggering and beautiful movies Hong Kong cinema has ever brought forth. As such I was eager to check out his 2001 film "Shu [...]
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