Peter Bracke, webmaster over at the DVD File, has had the chance to chat with Lynne Hale from Lucasfilm, and he has put up the information he was able to obtain from their conversation on his website. Although still no concrete information about a DVD [...]
VideoScan, the company that tracks DVD sales among other things, is now able to also track sales data of K-Mart and Walmart, through entering a strategic alliance with a leading provider of sales and marketing information for packaged goods. Now VideoScan [...]
On June 28, Columbia Home Video will release the eagerly anticipated comedies Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 on DVD. Starring Dan Aykroyd, Rick Moranis, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis, this action filled comedy will come in a spectacular special edition [...]
In a recent interview with “Replication News” Artisan Entertainment’s president of sales and marketing, Jeff Fink, touched upon some interesting subjects, which we wanted to share with you. As mentioned previously, Artisan is working on a release of [...]
Sharpline Arts have just updated their website and added a note regarding the release of The Alien Legacy box set by 20th Century Fox. As we have mentioned in our review of the release, Fox decided to remove the 68-minute documentary from the release and [...]
DVD Express Friday announced that fans will be able to join Mike Myers, Heather Graham, and the stars of “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me” at an exclusive live video chat and Webcast of the film’s June 8 premiere party. Meanwhile, the Web’s [...]
Manga Entertainment’s live-action label, Manga “Live” will present Japanese director Shinya Tsukamoto’s surreal vision of science fiction and horror by releasing Tetsuo II: Body Hammer and Tokyo Fist on DVD June 29, 1999. Both films are digitally [...]
Sensory Science Corporation (formerly Go-Video, Inc.)today announced a new line of affordable home theater systems that make it easy for anyone to experience DVD with 5-channel Dolby digital surround sound right out of the box. Scheduled to ship later [...]
Starting Thursday and lasting for one week only, DVD Express, will be hosting an online celebrity and movie memorabilia auction to benefit Cedars-Sinai’s C.O.A.C.H. for Kids Mobile Medical Clinic. Among the more than two dozen items up for bid are a [...]
We have just received new information of upcoming titles through Anchor Bay and the Roan Group, produced by Bill Lustig. Two additional Dario Argento movies are currently in preparation for release, namely Inferno and Deep Red. On top of that Lucio [...]