Some time ago, Pioneer Entertainment held a warehouse sale to the public, reducing prices of some of their laserdisc to $7.99. Now we have received information directly from Pioneer that the company will once again open the doors of its warehouse to the [...]
On August 17, Warner Home Video will release Analyze This on DVD and once again we are able to give you an exclusive early look at the cover artwork of the release. Please click on the image on the left for an enlarged version of the DVD’s cover. [...]
New Line Home Video will release a box set with all 7 parts of the Nightmare On Elm Street series and for now only the first installment in the series, Wes Craven’s original Nightmare, will be available as an individual disc. We are proud that we can [...]
According to “The Hollywood Reporter” today, the film and music industries in Hong Kong have joined forces to file the biggest civil suit in the history of the country against optical disc bootleggers. Bootlegging has caused serious dmagae to video [...]
QPS Inc. justannounced that it will introduce its new Que!(TM) Fire(TM) DVD-RAM drive for Apple G3 and PC desktop computers this week at MACWORLD Expo New York. The new drive is the FireWire version of the Que! DVD-RAM drive introduced earlier this year, [...]
Columbia Home Video has set Lost Horizon for release on August 31 as we had announced some time ago in our release schedules. Now Columbia has sent some more information our way which we’d like to pass on to you. Besides the original theatrical trailer, [...]
Starting October 19, MGM Home Video will take the James Bond titles off moratorium and start re-releasing titles on both VHS and DVD. To celebrate the studio’s 75th Anniversary, MGM will give all 19 James bond films the special edition treatment for [...]
Today Image Entertainment announced their quarterly reports, showing an increase of 112% in the company’s DVD generated revenues as compared to last year’s first quarter. Image also stated that DVD revenues now account for 80% of the company’s [...]
We have just received some detailed information about an exciting upcoming release from MGM Home Entertainment. Horror film fans will be pleased to hear that on September 28, MGM will release a Special Edition of Phantasm on DVD. It will be an extensive [...]
Since we first announced Universal’s plans to release their classic horror films on DVD in February we have been flooded with questions and requests. As we now all know Universal Home Video is currently preparing their roll out the Classic Monster [...]