To celebrate the home video release of their incredible The Prince of Egypt, DreamWorks Home Entertainment hosts the first-ever chariot race on Hollywood Boulevard.,br> The event takes place tomorrow morning, Tuesday September 14, from 7:30 to 9:00 am. [...]
Army Of Darkness is coming to DVD, yes by now everyone should have heard the message we started spreading months ago, but hey we have been able to obtain the hottest properties in town once again, exclusively for our readers. As the release is coming [...]
Many customers had been unhappy when they heard that Fox Home Video had been doing only a single print run of the bonus disc for the Alien Legacy Box set. While the initial idea of having to mail in a coupon to obtain this disc, featuring an extensive [...]
Image Entertainment, Inc. announced that it has entered into an agreement with RadioShack, which will see them fulfilling consumer-direct DVD software orders for the RadioShack Unlimited (RSU) Program. The RSU Program is a special order system by which [...]
German company COMO (Computer & Motion) GmbH just announced plans for a recorder that allows real-time recording of DVD video content. Called MPEG-2@Disk, the recorder is made possible by Stream Machine’s SM2210 variable bit rate video codec in [...]
After giving us – and you – a look at their September and December covers before, Buena Vista Home Entertainment just took one step back in time today by making the cover artwork for their September titles available to us. The release line-up [...]
Word of mouth has had it for a while already that Disney Home Video is preparing a special edition of their computer animated smash hit A Bug’s Life from Pixar. Now the company has officially released the details and specifiactions for the release, [...]
I have seen the future and it is red… Well, sort of… Intel Japan has just unveiled an new computer generation at the World PC Expo 99 near Tokyo, and people have gazed upon it in wonder. As you can see from the picture, this PC looks like [...]
After a critically acclaimed nationwide theatrical release, Palm Pictures is now releasing the digitally re-mixed and re-mastered Talking Heads concert film Stop Making Sense, by Academy Award-Winning director Jonathan Demme and cinematographer Jordan [...]
Many of our readers have repeatedly asked us to add direct ratings to the reviews printed on our pages. We have made a conscious decision not to do this in the past, mostly because we are of the opinion that reviews are always highly subjective, even more [...]