We have just received the cover artwork for the upcoming DVD release of Pink Floyd: The Wall from Sony Music for your viewing pleasure. Please click on the image to the left for an enlargement of the packaging art. Currently scheduled for November 9 [...]
We have just been informed by Buena Vista Home Video that unlike previously announced the upcoming Deluxe Collector’s Edition of A Bug’s Life will not contain a French language track. Due to space limitations on the disc, the alternative language [...]
Since its official commitment to DVD in June of this year, independent publisher York Entertainment is announcing a small, but steady flow of titles for release. Now, the company has just announced two additional titles to their line-up, to be released [...]
We have just received some more information from the folks over at DreamWorks Home Video regarding two other DVD releases, slated for November 23. The Haunting and The Love Letter will be released day and date with their VHS counterparts, and we have the [...]
We have just received some detailed information about the upcoming DVD Mars, The Red Planet – very detailed actually. Scheduled for a release on September 28, this DVD is an exhaustive exploration of Mars, or what we know about it so far, utilizing [...]
While Sega has finally started shipping its Dreamcast console here in the US to eager customers, Sony is quick to unveil the details and a picture of its upcoming Playstation 2 console, salted for a release late next year. The competition in the console [...]
As we had reported back in March, DreamWorks Home Video has been preparing a DVD version of Steven Spielberg’s epic anti-war drama Saving Private Ryan for a release day and date with the VHS sell-through version of the film on November 2. Now, [...]
While all eyes are directed towards Disney Home Video’s DVD releases of their animated classics, someone else is practically sneaking up from behind… so to say. Disney’s biggest asset of all is finally making its debut on DVD on December 7. Yes, we [...]
We have just received detailed information from Sony Music about the release of the eagerly awaited Pink Floyd: The Wall. The disc is currently scheduled for a release on November 9 with a number of impressive supplements. The DVD is coming from a new Hi [...]
If anyone ever had doubts whether DVD would break into the mass market, the signs are intensifying. Today for example, the first work-out DVD has been announced by a new DVD publisher called Palace Video. Just read on… America’s best-selling [...]