Image Entertainment, Inc. (Nasdaq:DISK) today announced the promotion of David Borshell to Chief Operating Officer and Barry Gordon to Vice President, Sales. David Borshell, a fifteen-year Image veteran, will assume the role of Chief Operating Officer. [...]
Warner Home Video has entered into an agreement with BBC Worldwide Americas for distribution of the BBC Video label, which has so far been distributed in the US through CBS/20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Effective July 1, Warner Home Video has the [...]
American Airlines today announced it will offer international customers the latest and most advanced personal DVD player available for in-flight entertainment beginning July 1. The Panasonic LV75 Portable DVD Player will be available to first class and [...]
The long wait for DVD-Audio seems finally comng to an end. In a press release this morning, Good Guys (Nasdaq: GGUY) announced that Panasonic and Technics DVD-Audio products will be available at all Good Guys locations beginning July 1! DVD-Audio is a new [...]
On August 29, Anchor Bay Entertainment will release a special edition of Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn. This release that has been created with the direct involvement of actor Bruce Campbell himself, will finally give fans of the film the chance to see the [...]
Independent DVD publisher, First Run Features just announced director Rose Trocher’s (Go Fish) latest film Bedrooms & Hallways for release on August 8. Acclaimed director Trocher has once again created a funny and sophisticated romantic comedy [...]
Sensory Science Corporation (Amex: VCR) today announced the introduction of the new California Audio Labs CL-2500 DVD player, designed to accompany the CL-2500 Series system launched late last year to wide industry acclaim. Delivering the finest DVD video [...]
Some unprecedented insights into exactly who the DVD households are and what is happening with their DVD and VHS activity are now available. This data is reported in the soon to be published third wave of CENTRIS“ ”Who’s `Bought In“ to DVD: A [...]
As we have told you before, Anchor Bay Entertainment has been working on a release of the 1984 comedy Repo Man starring Harry Dean Stenton and Emilio Estevez. Finally we have been able to take a look at the final features of this release and would like to [...]
To celebrate the release of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, Paramount Home Video has arranged a special appearance of actor Ricardo Montalban at Universal City Walk’s Sam Goody on July 11. The actor, who played Khan in the Star Trek movie, will meet [...]