Sony Pictures Home Entertainment had added the thriller Armored to their line-up, bringing the film starring Matt Damon and Jean Reno to DVD and Blu-Ray Disc in March. A crew of officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they [...]
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has just added Icons of Suspense: Hammer Films to their release line-up, bringing this 3-disc set to DVD, featuring the films Cash On Demand, Stop Me Before I Kill!, the 1963 film Maniac, The Snorkel, Never Take Candy From [...]
Genius Products has just announced a new titles as part of their Dragon Dynasty label to be release in March, John Woo’s classic action thriller The Killer, unleashing it on DVD and Blu-Ray Dsic. John Woo’s guns-blazing masterpiece about a hitman with [...]
Summit Entertainment has scheduled new new Astro Boy movie for release on DVD and Blu-ay Disc this March. Blast off with “Astro Boy, ” the thrilling tale of a true hero! In futuristic Metro City, scientist Tenma (voiced by Nicolas Cage) creates an [...]
Warner Home Video is preparing the suspense thriller The Box for release in February, bringing it to DVD and Blu-Ray Disc Push a red button on a little black box, get a million bucks cash. Just like that, all of Norma (Cameron Diaz) and Arthur Lewis’s [...]
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has scheduled a release of Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day for March, bringing the film to DVD and Blu-Ray Disc. From Troy Duffy, writer and director of “The Boondock Saints, ” comes the much anticipated sequel to [...]
Mostly good news for fans of the David E. Kelly seriees Ally McBeal; the second season is coming to DVD thanks to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. The 23 episodes of the series will arrive on six discs, but sadly no extras at all will be [...]
Wes Anderson’s newest film; Fantastic Mr. Fox will be coming to DVD and Blu-Ray Disc from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment this March. Based on the beloved best-selling book by Roald Dahl, “Fantastic Mr. Fox” tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Fox [...]
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is releasing a new Blu-Ray version of the martial arts work Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (likely to tie in with the prequel coming from Magnolia). Tony Jaa, the fighting superstar “destined for film’s martial arts [...]
Five of the films of Charlie Chaplin are going to Blur-ray from Kinowelt Home Entertainment. The Kid, The Gold Rush, City Lights, Modern Times and The Great Dictator will all arrive in April. Of course Chaplin fans will want to know the answers to the [...]