Universal’s Collector’s Edition of Scarface contains some materials that are not immediately obvious when going through the disc’s content. Go to the “Bonus Materials” from the disc’s main menu and from there go to the “Making Of Scarface” [...]
Although not necessarily a hidden feature, we wanted to shed some light on the tricky game on the “Nightmare Encyclopedia” disc that is part of the box set from New Line Home Video. If you go through the Labyrinth to discover all the bits and pieces [...]
Once again, Universal Home Video has hidden the complete movie soundtrack on one of their Collector’s Edition. This time it’s the DVD release of their action-adventure blockbuster “The Mummy”. Go to the disc’s main menu and from there go to the [...]
There is an interesting hidden feature on New Line’s Platinum Edition of “Friday”. From the disc’s main menu go to the “Special Features” and from there enter “Cast & Crew Biographies”. Select any of the actors and press the arrow up [...]
Warner Home Video’s release of “The Matrix” contains two advertised hidden features. From the disc’s main menu go to the “Special Features” and there select “The Dream World”. Apart from the text menu entries you will also see a red pill. [...]
20th Century Fox has hidden an interesting feature on their DVD release of “Ravenous.” From the disc’s main menu go to the “Extra Features” menu. Highlight the entry “Movie Stills” and then press the arrow up key on your remote control. This [...]
A brief hidden feature can be found on Pioneer’s release of the Anime, “Lain: Knights”. Go to the disc’s main menu and highlight the “Play” menu entry. Then press the left arrow button on your remote control to highlight Lain’s eyes. Now [...]
MGM Home Entertainment’s release of the animated Beatles classic is loaded with hidden features. 14 or so come to mind immediately, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more to be found. Go to the disc’s main menu and press the arrow up key. A [...]
New Line Home Video’s release of “A Nightmare On Elm Street” contains a small hidden feature. From the disc’s main menu, press the right arrow key to highlight the New Line logo. Then press “Enter” and you will get to a credit screen that [...]
Universal Home Video’s release of the musical film “The Wiz”, starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson contains a great Easter Egg. If you go to the disc’s main menu and then to the “Monus Materials” you will find a menu entry for a featurette. [...]