What at first sight looks like a typical New Line Home Video credit easter egg, turns out to be much more upon closer examination. From the disc’s text main menu select the New Line logo. This will bring up a credit screen. Within this screen highlight [...]
New Line Home Video has hidden an interesting supplement on their release of Bernardo Bertolucci’s movie “Besieged”. Although not exactly hidden, it is a feature that has not been announced and is not documented on the disc’s packaging. In the [...]
20th Century Fox has hidden a small, but rather fun, hidden feature on their release of Mel Brooks“ ”History Of The World: Part 1.’ From the disc’s main menu, go to any subsequent menu, like the language screen or the scene selections, [...]
New Line Home Video has hidden some extra material on their release of “Pump Up The Volume”. The first Easter Egg is hidden under the New Line Logo in the disc’s main menu. Select the logo to get to a credit screen as on most other New Line [...]
Although Warner Home Video has stuffed quite a bit of content on their release of “Wild Wild West”, there even more than the eye meets at first. Many of the clips used in the DVD-ROM section of the disc can be directly accessed through the remote [...]
On both versions of Universal’s “American Pie” Collector’s Edition you can find some unadvertised features. From the main menu go to the disc’s “Bonus Features” menu and select “Recommendations”. In this section you will find trailers [...]
Pioneer Entertainment has once again hidden an Easter Egg on a release of their “Lain” series of Japanese animation. This time it can be found in “Lain: Reset”. In the disc’s main menu highlight the “Play” option and then press the left [...]
Universal Home Video has hidden some features on their Collector’s Edition of “Fast Times At Ridgemont High”. On the main menu, the special features menu, language menu and the cast biography menu you will see some footprints either at the right top [...]
Warner Home Video’s release of “South Park: Volume 4” contains a truly unexpected, though highly welcome surprise. The notorious Terence and Phillip “Not Without My Anus” episode that ran as an April Fools gag instead of the second part of [...]
New Line Home Video has once again hidden some trailers on their release of “Drop Dead Gorgeous”. From the disc’s main menu go to the “Filmographies” section. Under Kirstie Alley’s section you will find a trailer for “Deconstructing [...]