On 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s special edition of the science fiction actioner “Independence Day” you can find over one hour of additional features hidden on the disc, if you know how to access it. On the second disc of the release, go to [...]
USA Home Entertainment’s release of the great and inventive parody “Being John Malkovich” contains more than the packaging and the menus give away at first sight. From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Language” section. There you will hear the [...]
New Line Home Video has hidden some trailers on their release of the comedy smash hit “Next Friday.” From the disc’s main menu go to the “Cul-de-sac” section and there, click on the “Local Color” option, which takes you to the cast and crew [...]
Trimark Home Video has hidden another series of trailers on their release of “The Dentist 2: Brace Yourself.” From the disc’s main menu, highlight the Trimark logo and then press “Enter” on your remote control. This will allow you to watch [...]
USA Entertainment’s release of the colorful musical masterpiece “Topsy-Turvy” contains some very exciting hidden features in the form of music. If you go to the main menu of this Gilbert & Sullivan biopic, you will notice that the disc features [...]
Image Entertainment has hidden some interesting hidden features on their Special Edition release of the fantasy adventure “Dreamscape.” On the main menu you can access a feature called “Monster!” which brings up a shot of a snake monster lunging [...]
Universal Home Video has hidden some interesting additional clips on their release of the Andy Kaufman biopic “Man On The Moon” that are a treasure chest of authentic material for fans of the late comedian. From the disc’s main menu, go to Andy’s [...]
Some subtle additional material can be found on MGM Home Entertainment’s release of Paul Verhoeven’s controversial story about Las Vegas dancers, “Showgirls.” Hidden in the main menu are a bunch of audio clips. Use the arrow keys on your remote, [...]
Image Entertainment’s release of “The Lost Films of Laurel and Hardy: Volume 6” contains an interesting additional feature that you may not easily find on the release. Although the back of the box states “Watch for the surprise bonus program [...]
MGM Home Entertainment has hidden an Easter Egg on their release of the cultish “Blue Velvet” that perfectly matches the morbid humor of the film itself. Go the disc’s main menu where you will see a number of menu selections. Position the highlight [...]