Fantoma has hidden an unexpected feature on the release of “Fando & Lis, ” Alejandro Jodorwsky’s long lost film that found a beautiful new home on this DVD. The disc contains an audio commentary track by director Alejandro Jodorwsky, but [...]
New Line Home Video has included some interesting hidden stuff on their release of James Wong’s horror thriller “Final Destination.” One of the cool features is right in front of your eyes and it is easily overlooked. New Line has obviously [...]
On MGM Home Entertainment’s release of “Stargate SG-1” you can find an interesting hidden feature. From the disc’s main menu select the episode “The Enemy Within” and from there, go right into the “Language” Selection. Here you can [...]
Usually not a big hidden feature proponent, Image Entertainment has actually hidden some additional footage on their release of the robot comedy “Short Circuit.” Well hidden within the menu structure, these interview clips are a bit tricky to find, [...]
On Anchor Bay Entertainment’s release of the Dudley Moore comedy “Santa Claus: The Movie” some additional hidden footage is hidden. From the disc’s main menu, select the “Extras, ” which will take you to the menu with the special features on [...]
On the Music Video Distribution release of “Blink 182: Probed Unauthorized” you can find an intriguing hidden feature, if you know where to look. There is some additional footage on the disc that is not accessible through the disc’s menu structure. [...]
New Line Home Video’s release of “Boiler Room” contains some interesting hidden features. The first one can be found on the disc’s main menu. As on many of New Line’s other releases, you can highlight the New Line Cinema logo on the right hand [...]
A small hidden feature can be found on Trimark Home Video’s release of the Stephen King mini-series “Storm Of The Century.” From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Special Features.” On this menu screen you will be able to notice a small icon in [...]
Apart from the theatrical version and the Special Edition cut of the movie, Artisan Home Entertainment’s phenomenal Ultimate Edition of “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” also contains a third cut of the film, presented as a hidden feature on the disc. [...]
You can find some cool hidden features on Anchor Bay Entertainment’s release of the cult comedy “Repo Man.” First off, once again there is a full song available on the disc. From the main menu, go to the “Extras” menu and you will be treated to [...]