There are a few hidden features on Buena Vista Home Entertainment’s release of the action comedy “Double Take.” From the disc’s main menu, select “Bonus Materials.” On this screen highlight the “More” menu entry and then press the [...]
On Image Entertainment’s Special Edition release of the horror flick “Basket Case” you can find an exciting and unexpected hidden feature. Insert the disc and wait until the main menu comes up. Then, press the “left” arrow key on your remote [...]
There is a rare hidden feature on Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment’s release of the teen-comedy “Saving Silverman.” From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Extras” menu and highlight the “Filmographies” menu entry. Then press the [...]
On Pioneer Entertainment’s wrestling release “ECW: Extreme Evolution” you can find some unexpected hidden material if you know where to look. From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Biographies” menu and highlight the entry for “Cactus [...]
There’s at least one hidden feature in Al Adamson’s cult-trash exploitation “Dracula vs Frankenstein, ” as released on the Troma DVD. From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Special Features.” Once you get there, choose “Deleted Scenes,” [...]
On 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s Special Edition release of the action blockbuster “Die Hard 2: Die Harder” a small hidden feature can be found. Insert the second disc from the set and from the main menu, highlight the “Visual Effects” [...]
If you know where to look, you can find some exciting hidden features on 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s Special Edition release of the “Die Hard With A Vengeance” Special Edition. Insert the second disc from the set and from the main menu, go [...]
Apart from the film and regular extras, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s release of the wicked Henry Selick comedy “Monkeybone” also contains a hidden feature. From the disc’s main menu go to “Language Selection.” Once on that new screen, [...]
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has included some hidden material on their 2-disc Five Star Collection release of “Die Hard.” Insert the first disc from the set and from the main menu go to the “Language Selection” submenu. Here, highlight the [...]
Hidden from the naked eye, there is a hidden feature on Tai Seng’s 2-disc Special Edition release of Hong Kong director Ronny Yu’s sweeping film “The Phantom Lover.” Insert the second disc from the set in your player and wait until the main menu [...]