Ask The Dust

July 26, 2006 // 0 Comments

Set during the depression of 1933 Los Angeles, struggling author, Arturo Bandini, (Colin Farell) is hoping to write a book that will make him rich and famous. The only problem is that he lacks the confidence to write about things he has yet to experience [...]

Masters Of Horror: Homecoming

July 26, 2006 // 0 Comments

On Anchor Bay Entertainment’s DVD release of Joe Dante’s entry in the “Masters Of Horror” series, “Homecoming” you can also find some hidden features, although this one is notably slimmer than the previous releases in the series. On the [...]

Final Destination 3

July 25, 2006 // 0 Comments

The teen slasher genre is a fascinating one that is difficult to evaluate without seeming to overanalyze. It is a type of film that is aimed squarely at teenagers who apparently demand little from it in the way of intelligence, and who likewise are [...]

Masters Of Horror: Sick Girl

July 25, 2006 // 0 Comments

On Anchor Bay Entertainment’s “Masters Of Horror” version of “Lucky McKee: Sick Girl, ” the studio has once again included a series of hidden features. On the DVD’s Main Menu highlight the “Play” menu entry and then press the “Right” [...]

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie

July 24, 2006 // 0 Comments

Video games, for all of their increasing complexity and entertainment, are notorious for producing really bad movie adaptations. Not bad as in good, but bad as in BAAAD. One of the few games-turned-movies that has managed to build a steady following and [...]

Commander In Chief: 2-Disc Inaugural Edition Part 1

July 21, 2006 // 0 Comments

Lasting only one season, "Commander In Chief" was a casualty of behind-the-scenes shake-ups and mishandled time slots. Dying a sudden death, the show will go down as an anomaly; it garnered the highest ratings of any new show on the fall [...]

Ren & Stimpy: The Lost Episodes

July 21, 2006 // 0 Comments

On Paramount Home Entertainment’s release of “Ren & Stimpy: The Lost Episodes” the studio has included some hidden features for fans of the show to uncover. Insert the first disc of the set and on the Main Menu highlight the episode “Naked [...]

Ultraman: Series 1 Volume 1

July 20, 2006 // 0 Comments

With the Japanese monster films (kaiju) such a success during the 60s and 70s, it was only a matter of time for a TV show to pop up that would take the genre and bring into people's homes on a regular basis with a regular cast of characters. In July [...]

Magdalena's Brain

July 19, 2006 // 0 Comments

After a mind experiment in which her husband used himself as a guinea pig and was left immobilized as a result, scientist Magdalena Welling, (Amy Shelton-White) finds herself the reluctant caretaker of husband Arthur, (Sanjiban). Together, in an abandoned [...]


July 18, 2006 // 0 Comments

Considered by many to be a cult classic, Jess Franco's, "Succubus" tells the story of Lorna, (Janine Reynaud) a nightclub performer whose act consists of simulation S&M – it's filled with sex, torture and murder – all [...]
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