
May 1, 1998 // 0 Comments

There haven’t been a lot of high quality horror movies around the last few years. The genre was slow, with only a few releases surfacing, until horrormeister Wes Craven’s smash hit "Scream" turned the focus back to horror. While it didn’t [...]

Godzilla, King Of The Monsters

May 1, 1998 // 0 Comments

Godzilla is experiencing a huge revival these days, especially with the introduction of Roland Emmerich’s new incarnation of the legendary kaiju the Japanese term for giant monster. Godzilla has appeared in an impressively large array of 22 Japanese [...]

Tomorrow Never Dies

May 1, 1998 // 0 Comments

After 18 James Bond movies, you think you have seen it all, right? Wrong. The fund of James Bond scenarios seems to be endless, and though the recipe remains the same in each movie, they still are some of the most entertaining and respected action [...]

Lady In White

May 1, 1998 // 0 Comments

Frank LaLoggia’s "Lady In White" is a visually pleasing, inspired movie with plenty of personality. Unique among its kind and entertaining to watch, this film puts the finger exactly on the term "haunted". It explores experiences and [...]

To Kill A Mockingbird

April 23, 1998 // 0 Comments

Based on the classic Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee, "To Kill A Mockingbird" is a legendary movie, uniquely strong and sensitive about racism and the ways of the Old South during the Depression in the 1930s. It has been turned into a [...]

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

April 20, 1998 // 0 Comments

"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is a gem of a comedy movie, far one of the most hilarious comedies I have seen in my entire life. We all know that Steve Martin and Michael Caine have a funny moment or two, but teamed up together with director Frank Oz [...]

The Secret Garden

April 12, 1998 // 0 Comments

"Secret Garden" is a fine addition to DaVid Entertainment’s library of high quality adult movies. Structurally, it is a rather conventional X-rated movie, in that its small plot hardly matters. It is the skillful photography and tasteful [...]


April 4, 1998 // 0 Comments

For some years now, we have witnessed groundbreaking technological advancements in the area of computer-generated images. What originally started with rather short snippets of computer-rendered dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park" in 1992 has become a [...]

The Crying Game

April 3, 1998 // 0 Comments

If anyone hasn’t seen the movie "The Crying Game" or had the surprise in the middle of the film spoiled by a friend, don’t worry. We’re not going to spill it here. If you don’t know what it is, you’re in for a hell of a shock. This [...]

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

April 2, 1998 // 0 Comments

Some movies are legendary. In the arena of Westerns, Sergio Leone’s works are unmatched in their strikingly visual approach, namely, the extensive use of dramatic shots interleaved with moments of extreme close-ups. Apart from creating a complete [...]
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