If you think ’The Little Vampire’ is a pure children’s film or a cheap installment of the ’Goosebumps’ series, think again. Not only is this New Line Home Video release a film of high production values, but it is beautifully acted, photographed [...]
Until recently, everyone could have told you that an exhaustive treatise about Jazz music in film form is literally impossible. Until recently that was. Because since Ken Burns’ remarkable mini-series has surfaced, that has changed. For the very first [...]
I’ve been reading about this movie for years, but I’d never seen it. It certainly sounded good on paper. The film opens with a group of campers sitting around a fire telling scary stories. Max (Carl Fredericks) tells the legend of Madman Marz, a local [...]
I always pay close attention to movie titles. I’m not talking about just the movies, I’m talking about the actual name of the movie. While movie stars and plots typically sell a picture, a title can also play a big role into a film’s success. [...]
Jack is a young chimpanzee who serves as an object of study. He has been taught sign-language and is capable many things that would typically considered human. When his mentor dies, Jack is sold to a laboratory where he would be used as a lab rat and [...]
The odd thing about the film ’C.H.U.D.’ isn’t the story, which deals with cannibalistic monsters living under the streets of New York. (I believe that part.) The odd thing is what’s happened to the cast and crew of ’C.H.U.D.’ since the film [...]
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has once again hidden some interesting additional material on their release of the Jim Carrey schizo-comedy “Me, Myself & Irene.” From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Bonus Features” and from there, go [...]
Once again, Anchor Bay has proven that they are the best when it comes to scouring the vaults to bring us forgotten or obscure films. This month, we have ’Iguana’, a rarely-seen film from cult director Monte Hellman (’Two-lane Blacktop’). [...]
At times deadly earnest and incongruously surreal, Norman Jewison’s 1979 film "…And Justice for All" still sucker punches in its audacious indictment of the corruption and abuse rampant within the legal system. In the generation since [...]
During the audio commentary on the newly released DVD ’Sister Sister’, director Bill Condon reveals that the original script for the film was entitled ’The Louisana Swamp Murders’ and dealt with a brother and sister who enjoyed killing tourists, [...]