Writer/Director Lars Von Trier (Breaking the Waves) made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival this past year with his re-invention of the musical, "Dancer In the Dark." The film which won the Palm D’or for Best Film, also garnered a Best [...]
USA Entertainment has hidden some additional footage on their release of the hysterical comedy “Nurse Betty.” From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Special Features” section of the disc. Once you get there, press the “right” arrow key on [...]
Hey, remember that movie that starred Marlon Brando as a guru who lives in the bed of a 18-wheeler, Richard Burton as a drunken poet, Walter Matthau as a general, and Ringo Starr as a Mexican gardener? Me either. But these unlikely teammates were gathered [...]
Whenever director Ronny Yu and cinematographer Peter Pau get together, viewers can be assured that the result will be a hauntingly beautiful film. Whether it is the "The Bride with White Hair", series or even "Warriors of Virtue" or [...]
A few quick notes before we proceed. I am not that fond of Robert Redford, Barry Levinson, or watching baseball. Having said all of that, whenever I watch ’The Natural’, I’m newly amazed at how much I admire the film. The film is a shining example [...]
By 1985, numerous special effects driven sci-fi movies had made a good bit of money at the box office. I don’t need to tell you the ones that are really good, as I’m sure you’ve seen them many many times. But there were also a handful of films from [...]
In my opinion, "The Crow" is one of the most important films of the last decade. The film broke new ground in the genre of comic book adaptations, and was able to mix dark imagery with an exciting story, along with a pounding industrial [...]
When discussing the newly released ’The Crow: Salvation’, the question isn’t ’Is it as good as the first film?’ (because there’s no way that it could be), but rather, ’Is it as bad as the second one?’ The answer is that while ’The Crow: [...]
When David Lean’s "A Passage to India" opened in 1984, some saw it as a showdown between the glory days of literate epic filmmaking and the "feel-good" ethos of the Lucas/Spielberg popcorn juggernauts. Who better than the director of [...]
As a world war raged in 1939, the young Republic of Ireland decided to remain neutral. To preserve this status, any German or Allied combatants who wound up in Ireland were interred in POW camps until the end of hostilities. ’The Brylcreem Boys’ is [...]