New Line Home Video has included an exciting hidden feature on their release of the Adam Sandler comedy “Little Nicky.” From the disc’s main menu go to the “Special Features” where you will be presented with three different paths. Chose the one [...]
Vintage films are always a tough nut to bust when it comes to refurbishing them and presenting them in a modern medium, such as DVD. Whirlwind Media has taken the 1936 movie serial ’Shadow of Chinatown’ and presents all 15 episodes on a 2-disc set. [...]
I’ll admit right up front that I’m a bit of a space junkie. Books, movies, GI Joe Mercury 7 astronaut action figures — you name it — if it has to do with the space program I’m all over it. And, while I appreciate the attempts to be [...]
If there ever has been the epitome of a romantic movie, Arthur Hiller’s ’Love Story’ is it. Not before and not since has a love story had more heart and emotions, and in all honesty, I dare anyone to watch this film without a sniffle. It simply gets [...]
Back when bell bottoms were hip and America was awash in the optimism of celebrating its Bicentennial, a good-looking but lumpy actor with the very un-cool name of Sylvester connected with us average joes in a little film he wrote and acted in called [...]
Perversion, lust, pain and even necrophilia are subject touched upon in "Quills," 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s latest DVD release. The film is out to explore the depths of the human mind in the form of the Marquis De Sade, who has [...]
James L. Brooks’ 1983 multiple-Oscar winner ’Terms of Endearment’ has finally made its way to DVD and Paramount Home Video has done a fine job with it. The film has been letterboxed at 1.85:1 and the digital transfer has been enhanced for 16×9 [...]
When ’Walking With Dinosaurs’ first aired in the U.S. last April on the Discovery Channel — and appeared in a simultaneous DVD release — it created something of a stir and stole the thunder from another CGI dinosaur fest that was just [...]
’The Vineyard’ contains everything that a great B-movie needs: zombies, kung-fu, women in chains, and an evil villain. Unfortunately, ’The Vineyard’ isn’t a great B-movie. It’s only a great disappointment. ’The Vineyard’ was obviously the [...]
It’s becoming clearer to me that constructing a successful theatrical trailer is a real art — and a dying one at that. Too often these two minute snapshots either reveal every last plot point in a movie or focus so much on the stars that the story [...]