
May 16, 2001 // 0 Comments

There’s no denying that director Spike Lee can make a thought-provoking, polarizing film. Unfortunately, his outspoken nature tends to color the public perception of his work and his latest effort, "Bamboozled," is yet another in a long line [...]

The Ring Virus

May 15, 2001 // 0 Comments

For those of you who aren’t familiar with ’The Ring’ phenomenon, it’s one of the biggest things to hit Japan in years. This horror tale began as a series of novels, and was then transformed into a TV movie. After that, a feature film was made in [...]

The Emperor’s New Groove

May 15, 2001 // 0 Comments

While the quality of the Disney animated films which have appeared over the past 15 years may vary greatly from movie to movie, you typically know what to expect when you sit down to view one of these films. (Here, I’m speaking of Disney’s traditional [...]

The House By The Cemetery

May 14, 2001 // 0 Comments

In continuation of their Lucio Fulci Collection, Anchor Bay Entertainment has prepared a completely uncut version of the director’s ’The House By The Cemetery, ’ which has 9 minutes inserted back into the film compared to the theatrical version. [...]

Triumph Of The Will

May 14, 2001 // 0 Comments

Leni Riefenstahl’s notorious propaganda film "Triumph of the Will" is a mixed bag – even more so if you are indeed German, as I am. I had never had the chance to see this film before, as it seems to be censored in Germany, and was indeed [...]

Shadow Of The Vampire

May 14, 2001 // 0 Comments

Only a few defining images from the silent film era still remain as a part of our collective consciousness — Charlie Chaplin’s ambling gait, Harold Lloyd dangling from a clock tower, the robot Maria from "Metropolis," and, of course, [...]

Lust For Frankenstein

May 11, 2001 // 0 Comments

Despite the fact that I have an interest in Euro-horror and that he’s made like a gazillion movies, I’ve never seen a Jess Franco film until now. (I have ’Virgin Among the Living Dead’ on VHS, but I’ve never gotten around to watching it.) Well, [...]


May 11, 2001 // 0 Comments

While movies are certainly not real, they often show an accurate portrayal of reality. However, there are many times when fictional films totally miss the mark. The happens all the times when movies deal with mental illness. The mentally ill in the movies [...]

Superman II

May 10, 2001 // 0 Comments

1981’s ’Superman II, ’ continuing the adventures begun in Richard Donner’s 1978 epic, makes its DVD debut with considerably less fanfare than its newly restored predecessor. While Warner Home Video clearly directed its efforts in repairing the [...]

Superman: The Movie

May 10, 2001 // 0 Comments

Wednesday, December 20, 1978. I had just gotten over a bout with walking pneumonia. One benefit was it kept me out of the 10th grade for four days. The down side was that it prevented me from seeing "Superman: The Movie" during its opening [...]
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