Deep Purple: Come Hell Or High Water

June 12, 2001 // 0 Comments

For the longest time I have been a Deep Purple listener and follower of the band, although I have to admit that I always found the constant antics and personal battles within the group a major distraction from the fact that they created some incredible [...]

Dogma: Special Edition

June 12, 2001 // 0 Comments

I find it very interesting that movies that stir up the most fervent controversies the fastest, are films that touch upon religious subjects. As soon as a filmmaker suggests a different view on theological issues, the moral-apostles of the Catholic church [...]

Poison: Greatest Video Hits

June 12, 2001 // 0 Comments

On the EMI release of “Poison: Greatest Video Hits” you can find some additional footage, if you know how to get to it. From the disc’s main menu, go to the “Bonus Videos” section. Once you get there, highlight the menu entry for “So Tell Me [...]

Full Metal Jacket

June 12, 2001 // 0 Comments

I hate to sound like most every other critic who’s ever written about Stanley Kubrick’s ’Full Metal Jacket’, but the second-half of the film truly pales in comparison to the first-half. For the first 45-minutes, we are treated to a glimpse into [...]

Dude, Where’s My Car?

June 11, 2001 // 0 Comments

They say that everything old is new again. This, of course, refers to the notion that societal and cultural trends, such as music and fashion, will come into style, die out, and then be in vogue again. This theory applies to movies as well. In 1989, [...]


June 11, 2001 // 0 Comments

When Cher decides to take on a film role, it typically results in a very strong performance and a very good movie. When in 1987 she decided to take the lead in Peter Yates’ crime-thriller ’Suspect, ’ once again she made sure to make the role her own [...]

13 Days

June 8, 2001 // 0 Comments

"Thirteen Days" is the title that New Line has selected to usher in their new Infinifilm line of highly interactive DVDs. On the surface this may seem to be an unusual choice as the movie didn’t do all that well at the box office and received [...]

The Shining

June 8, 2001 // 0 Comments

Those of you who were disappointed with Warner’s initial DVD release of ’The Shining’ will surely feel vindicated when you see the updated version. While the vast majority of this new release is identical to the previous version, it does sport newly [...]


June 7, 2001 // 0 Comments

First of all, allow me to say that ’Biozombie’ is not the all-out living dead gorefest that we’ve all been waiting for. Secondly, let me add that this is still one really cool movie! Playing as a mixture of ’Mallrats’ and ’Dawn of the Dead’, [...]

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

June 7, 2001 // 0 Comments

It is hard to believe that a landmark film like Steven Spielberg’s "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" has been absent from the DVD format for so long, but finally it is making its debut on the silver disc in a Collector’s Edition from [...]
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