Quick question, has there ever been a film that was renamed for American distribution in which the new name actually improved upon the original? I didn’t think so. Such is the case with 1960’s "The City of the Dead, " an exquisitely crafted [...]
As DVD has continued to grow in popularity, we’ve seen more and more filmmakers embracing the medium. With behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentaries, and multi-angle features, it has become clear that production companies are thinking ahead to [...]
’Vampire In Brooklyn’ has been almost universally dissed by fans and critics when it was originally released in 1995. Wes Craven directed this tale of a Carribean vampire, played by Eddie Murphy, who travel to modern day New York to find the last [...]
"Mad Max" is one of those rare films that was so ingeniously original upon its release that it immediately spawned a number of pale imitations — as well as two sequels — and continues to this day to have a larger impact on the action [...]
Rhinomation delivers another quality effort with the third volume in their ’Battle of the Planet’ series. The aspect that makes these DVDs special is the obvious amount of work and care that goes into each one. Instead of simpling presenting the [...]
In my review for ’Witchouse: Blood Coven’, I stated that the DVD had set a high watermark for quality in direct-to-video releases. Well, indie horror auteur J.R. Bookwalter must have read that statement, as the newly released ’Witchouse 3: Demon [...]
Larry Clark, the director responsible for the disturbing and ultimately unwatchable ’Kids’, returns with a film, which is much better than his first effort, but no less revolting. In ’Bully’, Brad Renfro stars as Marty, a likable slacker who [...]
"The Prime Gig" is a movie about the art of the con which boasts an impressive cast but, in the end, really adds nothing new to the age-old adage, "Never trust a con." Vince Vaughn stars as Pendelton "Penny" Wise, a [...]
Dieter Dengler was a young boy growing up in Nazi Germany when a flight of American fighter aircraft swooped down on his quiet Black Forest village and opened fire. One plane flew so low past Dieter’s attic window that he was able to make eye contact [...]
Dario Argento’s latest film ’Sleepless’ (aka ’Non Ho Sonno’) shows the director attempting to re-capture some of his old glory, as the film displays shades of his classics ’Deep Red’ and ’Tenebre’. Thirteen years ago a series of murders [...]