Peter Pan

February 28, 2002 // 0 Comments

To coincide with the theatrical release of "Return To Neverland, " Disney Home Video has now released the original 1953 animated feature film "Peter Pan" on DVD as a Special Edition. The movie tells the story of Peter Pan who lives in [...]

Cannibal Apocalypse

February 27, 2002 // 0 Comments

As Oscar time approaches, we begin to think about the best films of the year, specifically, which movie will win Best Picture. But, "Best Picture" is a terribly broad category, and it might help if we narrowed it down some. How about "Best [...]

The One

February 26, 2002 // 0 Comments

As much as I enjoy watching Jet Li I have to admit that recently he has been used as fuel in a number of average movies, never really managing to secure a part the elevates him from the mediocrity of the films he’s associated with. After a mediocre box [...]


February 26, 2002 // 0 Comments

Here’s yet another movie where you say to yourself, ’I’ve heard of all of these actors. Why haven’t I heard of this movie?’ In this case, it’s because the movie in question, ’Highway’, isn’t very good. ’Highway’ stars Jared Leto and [...]

Hearts In Atlantis

February 25, 2002 // 0 Comments

With a title as curious as its story, Anthony Hopkins stars as Ted Brautigan, a man with a mysterious past who wanders into the life and home of a young suburban kid named Bobby Garfield, played by Anton Yelchin. Ted takes residence in an upstairs loft in [...]

Remains Of The Day

February 25, 2002 // 0 Comments

Repression does have a name, and its Stevens the butler, played masterfully by Sir Anthony Hopkins. Hopkins helms the title role with uncanny subtlety and subdued passion, as his character simply honors duty before self – and to a fault. Strong evidence [...]


February 22, 2002 // 0 Comments

Despite some saying that John Travolta’s comeback never quite reached it’s peak and that the recovering heartthrob was again slipping into the same obscurity that threatened to fully engulf him in the 1980’s, I say this guy’s just reaching his [...]

Say Anything

February 21, 2002 // 0 Comments

Cameron Crowe’s ’Almost Famous’ became one of the most inspired films of 2000 and ’Vanilla Sky’ stands out nicely as last year’s outing. Whether it’s the ’Show Me The Money!’ scene from Jerry Maguire or any other moment from his films, [...]

The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion

February 20, 2002 // 0 Comments

For some reason Dreamworks Home Entertainment completely underplayed their 2001 comedy ’The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion.’ Almost unadvertised the film was entirely overlooked at the box office and even for its home video debut, Dreamworks would not put [...]

My Bodyguard

February 19, 2002 // 0 Comments

‘My Bodyguard’ was a 1980 sleeper hit which still has a way of endearing itself to viewers some 22 years later. Clifford Peache is the new kid at school who unwittingly raises the ire of the local sophomore bully, Moody. Refusing to pay ’protection [...]
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