The Evil Dead: The Book Of The Dead LE

March 18, 2002 // 0 Comments

This time, it’s all about the book. It amazes me to find that genre champion Anchor Bay Entertainment has found yet another way to serve up the phenomenally successful "The Evil Dead," this time seeking to wrest away upwards of $40 from Evil [...]

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

March 15, 2002 // 0 Comments

"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is a gem of a comedy movie, by far one of the most hilarious comedies I have seen in my entire life. We all know that Steve Martin and Michael Caine have a funny bone or two, but teamed up together with director Frank [...]

The Diamond Of Jeru

March 15, 2002 // 0 Comments

Based on a Louis L’Amour novel, ’The Diamond Of Jeru’ is an adventure story of an American couple bored with their marriage as they travel to Borneo in search of diamonds. Their guide Mike takes them through the jungles of Borneo but also through [...]

Designing Woman

March 14, 2002 // 0 Comments

Vincente Minelli’s 1957 comedy ’Designing Woman’ has long been one of the most entertaining hybrids of musical, comedy and drama of Hollywood’s golden era. It is the story of sportswriter Mike (Gregory Peck) who falls in love with a fashion [...]


March 12, 2002 // 0 Comments

"Taps" is one of a handful of movies that seemed to play in an endless loop on HBO back in the mid-1980s. I must have seen the film a couple of dozen times as a lad so it was with some trepidation that I sat down to review this new DVD from 20th [...]

Jackie Chan Adventures: The Dark Hand Returns

March 12, 2002 // 0 Comments

For some time now Jackie Chan could been seen on television in an animated series called ’Jackie Chan Adventures.’ Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment is releasing these 60-minute segments to DVD and in ’The Dark Hand Returns, ’ we are witness as [...]


March 11, 2002 // 0 Comments

Have you ever noticed that when a movie is made using a pre-existing/familiar character, the story is always as convoluted and complicated as possible? Why is that? Just look at movies such as "The Addams Family", "Casper", [...]

Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf

March 8, 2002 // 0 Comments

In their series of ’Scooby-Doo’ releases, Warner Home Video is now visiting the 1989 full-length TV special ’Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf’ for release on DVD. Filled with exciting extras, the DVD sounds like a perfect addition to the [...]


March 7, 2002 // 0 Comments

Horror films are often criticized for being unoriginal, overly-simplistic, and derivative. And unfortunately for fright film fans, this sort of critique is true more often than it is not. However, there are times when a film deliberately takes this sort [...]

National Geographic: Beyond the Movie: The Lord of the Rings

March 4, 2002 // 0 Comments

The National Geographic Society continues to amaze me with its ability to branch out beyond the confines of its familiar yellow magazine and take advantage of the latest technology to expand its mission of global education. They were quick to embrace both [...]
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