I think Star Trek fans are fortunate that Paramount has reconsidered its policies and instead of releasing TV series two episodes at a time have now opted to make them available on a per-season basis. Not only will your wallets undoubtedly profit from [...]
Music video DVDs are growing in popularity and young punk band Sum 41 have decided to throw their hats into the ring with ’Introduction to Destruction: Video Treats to Move Yo Feets’. This DVD is basically divided into two sections. First, we have a [...]
Based on Richard Adams’s bestselling novel, ’Watership Down’ stands as one of the finest animated features ever made and the constant attempts to market the film as kiddie fare does a great disservice to both the movie and the impressionable tots [...]
What do you get when you add martial arts, time travel, killer cyborg beetles, Robin Hood, talking dogs, and a Scottish brute armed with bagpipes and a machine gun for a leg? Samurai Jack from Cartoon Network, of course. This unique effort from creator [...]
To fans of classic science fiction and fantasy cinema few filmmakers are as revered as the great special effects master Ray Harryhausen. While he certainly wasn’t the first to use stop-motion effects in movies, Harryhausen mastered the technique and [...]
When New Zealand director Peter Jackson achieved world-wide acclaim and an Oscar nod for ’The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring’, most of his fans probably expected his 1994 art-house hit ’Heavenly Creatures’ to finally get a Region 1 [...]
"Incredibly witty and funny!" is how I would describe "Bandits" in only a few words. The film has far exceeded my expectations and made me chuckle all the way through as Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchet bumble and [...]
With ’The Assassin, ’ Tai Seng Video Marketing is sending another Hong-Kong sword-fighting film into the race as a domestic release. The film tells the story of a young man whose forbidden love gets him in jail. There he is forced to fight other [...]
David Mamet surely ranks as one of the finest screenwriters currently working in the film industry. While not every script he’s penned has been a gem, they all offer insightful character exposition and often biting social commentary. When Mamet also [...]
Continuing their series of ’Superbit’ releases, Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment is now bringing us Kirk Wong’s Hollywood debut ’The Big Hit.’ In this film, the director who also brought us splendid films such as ’Organized Crime And Triad [...]