The Fog

July 24, 2002 // 0 Comments

When talking about John Carpenter most people immediately think of "Halloween." When I think of John Carpenter, I immediately think "The Fog." After seeing publicity shots of the movie in 1978 I immediately went to theaters when the [...]

Vanilla Sky

July 23, 2002 // 0 Comments

I’ll be honest – I hated this movie. Then… I loved it so much I wanted to be in it… somewhere… anywhere… A fly on the wall I suppose. I wanted to feel the pain and the loss. I wanted it all. I wanted to be David Aames. That’s my [...]

Top Secret!

July 23, 2002 // 0 Comments

Allow us to reveal another secret that can be found on Paramount Home Video’s release of the comedy “Top Secret!” From the dic’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section and from there go to the “Storyboards.” Once there, highlight [...]

The Return Of The Living Dead

July 22, 2002 // 0 Comments

When director/writer George A. Romero and writer John Russo parted ways after doing the infamous cult classic "Night Of The Living Dead" together in 1968, they agreed that they both could use the "Living Dead" moniker for future [...]

The Image

July 18, 2002 // 0 Comments

Radley Metzger’s ’The Image’ is an adaptation of Jean de Berg’s erotic tale of bondage and sadomasochism. Right off the bat that little summary should clue you in as to whether or not this film is likely to be your cup of tea. For those inclined [...]

Highlander: The Immortal Edition

July 15, 2002 // 0 Comments

There’s a reason why "Highlander II: The Quickening", "Highlander III: The Sorcerer", "Highlander: EndGame", "Highlander the TV series" and "Highlander The Animation series" exists. And the reason is [...]

Charlotte Gray

July 15, 2002 // 0 Comments

Based on the novel by Sebastian Faulks and directed by Gillian Armstrong, the World War Two drama ’Charlotte Gray’ is a film with much potential. Full of sweeping vistas and heartfelt performances, the movie looks and sounds grand but is ultimately [...]

The Hustler

July 12, 2002 // 0 Comments

Paul Newman – that steely gaze, his sinewy cool – the guy’s smooth, no doubt. Coupled with his iconic, almost "beat" physical presence, Newman’s keen sense to only choose fascinating parts to play elevated him far above the [...]

The Great Mouse Detective

July 12, 2002 // 0 Comments

The Walt Disney Studio’s animated fare from the 1970s through the mid-1980s is much maligned among animation fans and it’s certainly true that no real classics emerged during that period. Still, a fair number of highly entertaining films are included [...]

The Royal Tenenbaums

July 11, 2002 // 0 Comments

I first encountered the work of Wes Anderson and his cohorts the Wilson brothers (Luke and Owen) back in 1996 with their debut film, "Bottle Rocket." It’s hard to explain exactly what it was about that quirky little movie that captured my [...]
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