The Thief Of Baghdad

December 6, 2002 // 0 Comments

The 1940 Alexander Korda production of ’The Thief of Bagdad’ remains to this day the definitive treatment of the classic ’1001 Arabian Nights’ fables. Created at a time of looming global warfare, the film must have offered a great escape from the [...]

Mickey Mouse In Black And White

December 6, 2002 // 0 Comments

On Walt Disney Home Video’s release of the “Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse In Black And White” the studio has included a rare glimpse at the past as a hidden feature. Insert the dirst disc of the set and from the Main Menu go to the “Bonus [...]


December 5, 2002 // 0 Comments

Ah the 50s and 60s, golden times for big movies… When we think of epic-scale films of the time, "Spartacus, " "Ben Hur," or "Battle Of Britain" come to mind immediately… and "Exodus." Based on the acclaimed [...]

Last House On Dead End Street

December 4, 2002 // 0 Comments

On Barrel Entertainment’s release of the horror schlocker “Last House On Dead End Street.” Insert the second disc of the DVD set and on the Main Menu highlight the menu entry “At Home With Terry Hawkins.” Then press the “Right” arrow key on [...]

Baby Beethoven

December 4, 2002 // 0 Comments

For some time now the Baby Einstein series of DVDs is being released through the Walt Disney label and it was time for me to take a look at their latest offering, ’Baby Beethoven.’ All Baby Einstein releases are directly targeted a babies and toddlers [...]

Doctor Who: The Ark In Space

December 3, 2002 // 0 Comments

On BBC Home Video’s release of “Doctor Who: The Ark In Space” there are some hidden features for you to discover. From the disc’s Main Menu go to the “Episode Selection” submenu. There, press the arrow “Up” key on your remote control to [...]

The Mechanic

December 3, 2002 // 0 Comments

After all the bombastic – but utterly shallow and disappointing – crop of movies we get to see these days as Hollywood’s outpour, recently I found myself in the mood for some retro-action. I wanted something that doesn’t race by me at the speed of [...]

The Golem

December 2, 2002 // 0 Comments

Kino Video’s recent restoration of the 1920 German silent classic “The Golem” contains some exciting Easter Eggs. From the disc’s Main Menu, go to “Special Features” and then select the menu entry “Creation.” Once there, highlight “The [...]


December 2, 2002 // 0 Comments

A strange thing happened this past summer. Not only did I not see "Goldmember" in the theaters, but I wasn’t inundated with catchphrases coming out of the mouths of everyone who had in fact seen it. On the contrary, this third installment of [...]

The Carry On Collection

November 26, 2002 // 0 Comments

For over thirty years, British movie screens lit up regularly to the leering, naughty bits antics of the "Carry On" film series. Between 1958 and 1992, there were thirty-one "Carry On" movies. Each one sported the same formula: spoof a [...]
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