For many years I have been anticipating a DVD release of this film and I can easily say that Roman Polanski’s "The Fearless Vampire Killers" is one of my all-time favorite horror parodies. I would even go so far as to say, to me, it is the [...]
For many years I have been anticipating a DVD release of this film and I can easily say that Roman Polanski’s "The Fearless Vampire Killers" is one of my all-time favorite horror parodies. I would even go so far as to say, to me, it is the [...]
On the release of the Japanese shocker “Wild Zero, ” Synapse Films has also included a cool hidden feature. From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section of the disc and there highlight the menu entry“ Guitar Wolf [...]
On the DVD release of “Late Night With Conan O’Brien: The 10th Anniversary Special” the studio has hidden two exciting features out of plain sight. Let us tell you how to uncover them. From the DVD’s Main Menu highlight the menu entry “Play [...]
After the success of the original ’Creepshow’ in 1982, George A. Romero and Stephen King once again put their heads together and concocted a sequel of their ’Tales From The Crypt’ knock-off, entitled ’Creepshow 2.’ The film, directed by [...]
On Anchor Bay Entertainment’s release of the movie “Tender Mercies” the studio has hidden a small but very enjoyable hidden feature. From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Extras” section, where you will find the DVD’s special features. There, [...]
Earlier this year "Van Helsing" was the film that started off the yearly summer blockbusters. Opening on May 7th, "Van Helsing" didn’t quite bring in the box office that was expected in the domestic market, but internationally it was [...]
On MGM Home Entertainment’s release of the comedy “Soul Plane” you can find a hidden feature that is quite interesting. Insert the DVD in your player and on the Main Menu select the “Special Features.” On the following screen press the [...]
Trying to mimic the success of the original ’Return Of The Living Dead’ this sequel once again raises the dead in a not-so-serious fashion for a gruesome fright fest. While the movie has its moments they are fairly rare and the movie never lives up to [...]
Back in the early 90’s Disney was on a roll with its animated features. With the massive hit "Beauty & The Beast" behind them, Disney’s next project had a lot of expectations to live up to. Led by the directing-writing-producing team of [...]