Jennie Finch, acclaimed softball pitcher and member of the 2004 U.S. gold medal softball team, hosts this intimate perspective on a behind-the-scenes peek at MLB’s greatest stars in the sports documentary, ’MLB Superstars Show You Their Game’. The [...]
On their release of the action-packed “XXX: State Of The Union, ” Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has also added some hidden feature for you to uncover, that is just as hot as the film itself. Insert the DVD in your player and from the disc’s Main [...]
It’s great to see films from my childhood getting much needed attention on the DVD format, especially ones that seem to hold a sort of ’classic’ status for nostalgic reasons, and this film fits that bill. Brought up by an all Black family, the very [...]
Once again the bumbling LAPD detective is back at it again as Universal Home Entertainment is releasing ’Columbo: The Complete Third Season.’ This season includes some of my favorite episodes of the show, most notably ’Any Old Port In A Storm’ [...]
On Criterion Collection’s box set, “John Cassavetes: Five Films” the studio has also added some cool hidden features. On “A Woman Under The Influence, ” go to the “Gena Rowlands and Peter Falk” section. There, highlight the “Play” menu [...]
On Warner Home Video’s release of “The Phantom Of The Opera” the studio has also added some hidden material for you to uncover. Insert the second disc of the DVD set and highlight the “Additional Scenes” menu entry. Then, press the “Down” [...]
Based on the DC Comics / Vertigo "Hellblazer" Graphic Novels, Keanu Reeves stars as John Constantine, a peace-keeper of sorts, wandering the streets of Los Angeles to ensure a somewhat equilibrium between God and Satan on Earth, in the [...]
You can also find some hidden features on Rhino Home Entertainment’s release of the horror cult schlocker “Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.” From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Bonus Materials” section and there highlight the menu entry [...]
It’s been a bit quiet around Sandra Bullock lately but now Warner Home Video is bringing us "Miss Congeniality 2" to make up for it. Following up on the success of her 2000 action comedy hit, "Miss Congeniality," this time Sandra [...]
On Warner Home Video’s 2-disc Deluxe Edition of “Constantine” the studio has also hidden a few gems for fans to discover in the depths of the DVDs’ menus. Insert the second disc of the DVD set in your player and highlight the menu entry “The [...]