Okay, I admit it. I decided to check out "Thunderstruck" mostly because of its association with AC/DC. A film that centers around the band should be fun, and as it turns out "Thunderstruck" is a wonderful dedication to AC/DC's [...]
On their release of “Tommy Boy – Holy Schnike Edition” Paramount Home Entertainment has also added a few exciting little gems. Here is how to find them all. Insert the second disc of the DVD set and from the Main Menu go to the “Featurettes” [...]
It is one of the Internet Movie Database's top 250 movies ever. It was given four stars by Roger Ebert. Harry Knowles liked it so much he recorded a commentary track for the Region 3 DVD. So how come most people haven't heard of [...]
On Paramount Home Entertainment’s release of the 2005 version of “Sahara” the studio has hidden an additional feature for viewers to uncover. From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section. Once you get there, press the “Up” [...]
In their "Film Noir" line of DVD releases, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has now prepared the 1945 spy thriller "The House On 92nd Street." With high hopes I checked out the film but soon found that it has aged so badly that it [...]
You can also look to the unrated version of “The Ring Two” from Dreamworks Home Entertainment for an additional hidden feature. All you have to do is select “Special Features” from the DVD’s Main Menu. Then go to the second page of these [...]
Gillian Armstrong's 1986 musical comedy was s mash hit in its native Australia but also managed to gather a serious cult following here in the United States and Europe. Filled with 80s pop-rock tunes and a whole lot of upbeat charisma, "Star [...]
On Dreamworks Home Entertainment’s Extended Edition of “Gladiator” the studio has also hidden an exciting bonus feature that is pretty hard to find. But here comes help. We show you how to access it. Insert the second disc of the DVD set and from [...]
Let's think for a minute about the potentially disastrous career move that Robert Rodriguez made when taking on "Sin City". First of all, there are the fans. The die hard fans who know the comics inside and out will be judging every scene [...]
Never change a winning horse, they say, and usually that turns out to be good advice. In the case of making movie sequels sometimes it would be better to cash in the winnings and leave it at that. "The Ring Two" is such a case, sadly, where [...]