
October 25, 2005 // 0 Comments

On Lions Gate’s release of the Australian horror flick “Undead” the studio has also added a cool hidden feature for you gore hounds to discover. In order to locate it, from the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section and there [...]

Dead And Breakfast

October 25, 2005 // 0 Comments

In the comedy horror spirit inspired by the likes of "Evil Dead" and more recently "Shaun Of The Dead", "Dead And Breakfast" has an uphill battle to achieve the notoriety of those two films. The plot is pretty simple. While [...]


October 25, 2005 // 0 Comments

Wim Wenders' film "Hammett" is a nice throwback to the classic Film noir genre, only this time it is in color. Telling the story of former-Pinkerton-detective-turned-dime-novel-writer, Dashiell Hammett (Frederic Forrest) he suddenly finds [...]

The Candy Snatchers

October 24, 2005 // 0 Comments

I love "The Candy Snatchers." It is one of the lost gems in the exploitation genre and has been ignored far too long. I haven't been this passionate about a movie for a long time. I have certainly seen some great films this year, but there [...]

Lifeboat: Special Edition

October 24, 2005 // 0 Comments

Having never seen "Lifeboat, " yet considering myself an Alfred Hitchcock fan, I decided that I had better get my act together and see this film once and for all. Considering that "Lifeboat" was nominated for three Academy Awards and [...]

The Big Lebowski: Collector's Edition

October 21, 2005 // 0 Comments

Ethan and Joel Coen (Raising Arizona, Fargo) are at it again, mixing odd ball situations and quirky humor that revolve around complications brought on by their trademark kidnapping plot line, told with a tremendously off-the-wall style of storytelling [...]

The War Of The Worlds

October 20, 2005 // 0 Comments

Brushing up on the previous standard release of the movie, Paramount Home Entertainment is now finally bringing us a Special Edition of George Pal's 1953 science fiction classic "The War Of The Worlds," complete with bonus features and all. [...]

High Tension

October 19, 2005 // 0 Comments

"High Tension" is a brutal movie. I am not sure if I was too distracted to notice the gore upon my first viewing or just ignored it, but it is there in full force. The first half of "High Tension" is superb. A couple of girls head out [...]

Batman Begins: Deluxe Edition

October 19, 2005 // 0 Comments

On Warner Home Video’s 2-disc Deluxe Edition of the action packed adventure “Batman Begins” the studio has cleverly disguised some hidden features in the scenes out of a comic book for you to unmask. Insert the second disc of the DVD set and use the [...]

The Fly: Collector's Edition

October 18, 2005 // 0 Comments

Marrying truly haunting images, with a somewhat tragic story, proves to be a winning combination for director David Cronenberg's sci-fi horror classic "The Fly". With its well written story and decent performances that stand the test of [...]
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