Having grown up watching the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" with Gene Wilder in the lead of Willy Wonka, yet not seeing the film for quite a few years, I sat down to view it. At the time, Tim Burtons new version of the film [...]
In this story of Kurt Cobain, ahem, I mean a drugged out and depressed musician by the name of Blake (Michael Pitt) trying to, well I'm not sure just what exactly he is trying to do, as Gus Van Sant brings us this warped take on the supposed [...]
On Manga Entertainment’s release of the “Ninja Scroll: 10th Anniversary Edition” the studio has also included a small hidden feature. To find it insert the DVD in your player and from the Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section. Once you [...]
After throwing a bag of mixed tricks at us with "House Of 1000 Corpses", writer/director Rob Zombie decided to change the pace with his follow up "The Devil's Rejects". The characters Otis, Baby, and Captain Spaulding (labeled The [...]
To me Judas Priest's reunion album "Angel Of Retribution" was the best heavy metal record of the past 10 years, hands down. Not only did the record capture the magic that made Judas Priest one of the greatest acts of the 80s but it also [...]
On 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s “Special Edition with Flair” release of the cult comedy “Office Space” the studio has also added a hidden feature. From the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section and in the following [...]
Based on John Grisham's "Skipping Christmas", "Christmas with the Kranks" is a very silly film that is set in a neighborhood that is a little too close nit for some and just down right obtrusive for others. A neighborhood where [...]
On Warner Home Video’s release of the Tim Burton movie “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” the studio has laos hidden some extra features for you to discover. Insert the second disc of the DVD set and access the “Activities” section. Then, go to [...]
If you're looking for the bright lights of Las Vegas or the sun-soaked streets of Miami, you won't find it here. Instead you will be taken into the underbelly of the streets of the "Big Apple", New York City, for this third incarnation [...]
I freely admit that I was extremely hesitant to check out "Batman Begins, " the latest feature film in a franchise that had turned utterly unwatchable with its last two entries. While I had heard a number of good comments about the film I still [...]