"Dragon Ball Z", the beloved Anime series created by Akira Toriyama, originally aired in Japan in 1989 and an English dubbed and edited for violence version on the WB network in 1996. But the series didn't become popular in the U.S. until [...]
"Ocean's Thirteen" is the third and possibly final installment in the highly successful franchise directed by the brilliant Steven Soderbergh, who uses the money of these mega-hits to finance other projects, he recently executive produced [...]
Sam Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch" arrived in 1969 amid a firestorm of controversy. Its stark and brutally violent images seared the screen in the late sixties and forever changed the cinematic landscape. Loved by many and hated by some, the [...]
Martin Scorsese taking on the life of Howard Hughes is a massive undertaking, and one he approached with much care. After watching his wonderful film "The Aviator" again, I am just as awestruck as I was the first time. You see, Howard Hughes is [...]
Tim Burton is one of those rare directors whose style is so unmistakable that you can tell within seconds of a movie that it was created by him. Together with composer Danny Elfman, they started making full length features with "Pee Wee's Big [...]
It has always taken Hollywood a while to deal with wars, especially ones that aren't very popular, although it's hard to imagine a truly 'popular' war. "Home Of The Brave" holds the honor of actually being the first big [...]
Stanley Kubrick's final film has often been the target of much criticism and debate, not to mention controversy since its notorious release in 1999. It was even on the cover of Time Magazine. "Eyes Wide Shut" was misunderstood from the [...]
"Evil Dead 2" was released in 1987 onto the horror going public amid a little bit of confusion as to exactly what to make of it. For starters, it seemed to be a remake of sorts, since the entire opening sequence, basically recaps the first film, [...]
The opening of "Viva Las Vegas" pretty much says it all, the excellent credit sequence is a montage of 1960's Vegas that will enthrall all who have a passion for Sin City. Featuring helicopter shots of the city from above we have a very [...]
French director Matthieu Kassovitz' first American film "Gothika" came out in 2003 to quite a few negative reviews. Most of his European films however have received much acclaim and you may actually recognize his face since he has also [...]