October was a healthy, if untypical, month for video hardware sales to dealers, according to figures just issued by CEMA. They show VCR decks, TV/VCRs and DVD players all hitting new all-time monthly highs and camcorders setting a new high for this year [...]
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Nov. 12 — Just in time for the holidays, Jingle Cats Music announces the birth of a new video and DVD in stores nationwide entitled Jingle Babies. The rollicking 40-minute video and DVD feature the voices and playful antics of [...]
Yesterday Lucasfilm has revealed the teaser poster for the upcoming Star Wars Episode One, called “The Phantom Menace”. We had reported before how Fox and Lucasfilm were present during the printing of the posters to ensure the prints“ superior [...]
SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. – Nov. 11, 1998 – Innovative Promotions Underscore World’s Largest DVD Rental Store’s Commitment to Customer Convenience and Value In preparation for an anticipated increase in holiday shopping activity based on the [...]
Eight companies from the world of entertainment, consumer electronics and retailing are joining forces for an unprecedented promotion of DVD products, featuring aggressively priced DVD players, free DVD discs and free DVD rentals. The multi-partner [...]
After a seemingly endless array of postponements, Digital Leisure has finally released its DVD Video version of “Dragon’s Lair”, an arcade game that heavily relies on animated film footage. Here’s Digital Leisure’s official release announcement [...]
Our reader Spero Drikas was kind enough to send us the link to an article in the Houston Chronicle, in which “Titanic” director James Cameron talks about his future plans and upcoming projects. One part is particularly interesting, as Cameron touches [...]
Paramount Home Video’s DVD library continues to make an impression on the market with the release of two more box office smash hits. Deep Impact is the global vision of hope in the face of celestial destruction, and 1998’s first summer box-office hit [...]
Although it is not DVD related, the following is quite funny, although absolutely understandable in the light of hype and expectation anything Star Wars related is seeing these days. Variety today reports that Fox has had the movie posters printed for the [...]
Accompanied by a number of discussions, Emma will make it to DVD on January 5 from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Strangley the film has been released on DVD in Canada since August, thus causing a bit of a stir here in the US. Good enough however that [...]