Internet software store and today announced an exclusive offer to provide free DVD rentals to customers. For any purchase made at through Dec. 31st, 1999, customers will receive 10 free DVD rentals, a $40 [...]
Just in time for the holiday season, Warner Home Video is bringing us a stylish and highly entertaining Christmas movie. The problem with these holiday movies is usually that it seems to be hard for them to strike the right balance between entertainment [...]
Goodtimes Home Video presents “Psycho III” on this DVD in a 1.85:1 widescreen version. Although not 16×9 enhanced, the transfer is very good, without notable film artifacts. A few scenes exhibit some noise and film grain but for the most part, [...]
Anchor Bay Entertainment just informed us about the status of some of their upcoming DVD titles. Moonlighting is almost finished, the pilot which sparked one of the hottest TV successes of all time. “Moonlighting” stars Bruce Willis and Cybill [...]
Columbia TriStar Home Video has just released details about two upcoming DVD releases, scheduled to hit retail on February 29, 2000. The first on is Random Hearts, starring Harrison Ford under the direction by Sydney Pollack. An act of fate throws two [...]
Eastman Kodak Company and Panasonic Disc Services Corporation today announced the formation of a new venture, Matsushita Media Manufacturing LLC of America, which will manufacture and supply optical media products to both parent companies. The venture [...]
Macrovision Corporation and Buena Vista Home Entertainment announced today that they have signed a worldwide copy protection technology agreement through 2004. Buena Vista will continue to apply the Macrovision anticopy process to its videocassettes and [...]
New Line Home Video has hidden a few trailers on their release of “Feeling Minnesota”. From the disc’s main menu, go to the Cast Filmography Section. Under Cameron Diaz“ entry you will find a trailer to ”The Mask“, and under the section [...]
Based upon a story and the screenplay by Graham Greene, "The Third Man" is a movie that takes you back to post-war Europe in 1949. The film has had a lasting impression on me since I first saw it on TV as a child many years ago. It is a [...]
HBO Home Video’s release of “Bridge Of Dragons” contains a fullframe transfer of the movie on this DVD. Considering that the movie is a direct-to-video release, this seems to be its original aspect ratio, as no obvious cropping or unbalance in the [...]