The Cartoon Network animated show Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns to home video as Warner Home Video will release the complete second season on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc. The “Clone Wars” goes back to the original Star Wars film when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells [...]
Universal Home Entertainment has added the SNL spin-off MacGruber to DVDand Blu-Ray Disc in September. Only one operative has been awarded 16 purple hearts, and only one guy is man enough to still sport a mullet. In the 10 years since his fiancée [...]
The Hughes Brothers' movie "The Book of Eli" did not really stir up much of an interest in me when I saw theatrical trailers some time back. While the post-apocalyptic theme does have its appeal, for some reason someone was missing from the [...]
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has added the thriller The Square for release on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc in August. A stylish, twist-filled film noir, “The Square” centers on an adulterous couple whose scheming leads to arson, blackmail and murder. [...]
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment will be releasing a number of additional movies in the Goosebumps series in time for Halloween this year. Among the titles the studio has slated for release are Go Eat Worms! and The Blob That Ate Everyone. Like the [...]
Lionsgate Home Entertainment has added the horror trip Jacob’s Ladder to their Blu-Ray line-up, scheduling the film for release in September. The most frightening thing about Jacob Singer’s nightmare is that he isn’t dreaming. Vietnam veteran Jacob [...]
Shout Factor!” has just puts Roger Corman’s 1978 horror classic Piranha back on their release schedule, bringing the Joe Dante-directed movie to DVD and Blu-Ray Disc in August. this tongue-in-cheek thriller stars Bradford Dillman (doing his best Rip [...]
The Weinstein Company has added a Blu-Ray version of the 2008 comedy Fanboys to their July release line-up. In 1998, four childhood buddies with a shared love of all things Star Wars reunite for one final, hilarious odyssey. Their insane plan: a [...]
As the latest film in the franchise is making it to theaters, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has created a new Blu-Ray version of the original "Predator," trying to remind everyone how cool the original movie, really was. It's been a [...]
Warner Home Video is bringing Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon to Blu-Ray for the first time in October. A gallery of high-living lowlifes will stop at nothing to get their sweaty hands on a jewel-encrusted falcon. Detective Sam Spade (Humphrey [...]