SpectraDisc unveils prototypes of its limited-play DVDs
As we had reported earlier, SpectraDisc Corporation, a subsidiary of Spectra Science Corporation has developed a proprietary limited play CD/DVD technology for the mass entertainment and consumer software industry. This first of its kind functional prototype is based on a unique material process that uses environmentally safe chemistry to inhibit the readout of information content on an optical disc after a pre-determined time delay. The characteristics of this process can be adjusted during the production of the disc to govern the length of time of successful playback from minutes to days. Once the disc is removed from its packaging, the disc can be played in any conventional player for the prescribed amount of time. In addition, the technology is implemented at the very last step of manufacturing without costly vacuum packaging requirements, giving the disc manufacturers complete flexibility over the selection of limited or unlimited time formats. SpectraDisc is also actively supporting the efficient recycling of this product. As part of this effort, the technology is also being developed to function with other more recyclable disc materials.
“The DVD video format will replace VHS tapes much like CD’s replaced vinyl records. Supported by explosive growth in DVD player sales, the growing belief from studios is that DVD video is an ideal sell-through product. A limited play DVD strongly complements this DVD distribution model and is synergistic with the emphasis on one-way e-commerce delivery,” said Dr. Nabil M. Lawandy, CEO of SpectraDisc. SpectraDisc’s target markets for this product include a return-free alternative to rental movies and games as well as the bundled sales of movies with home delivery products such as pizza. “The marketing possibilities are endless for this type of product. SpectraDisc can be a mass-market retail impulse buy of post-release titles or as samplers and promotional offers for the music and video game sectors” said Scott Tillotson, vice president of marketing and business development for Spectra Science.
SpectraDisc Corporation is a privately held, newly formed subsidiary of Spectra Science Corporation. With offices and laboratories in East Providence, Rhode Island, SpectraDisc is developing a limited play CD, CD/ROM and DVD technology for the entertainment and software industries. And still, we believe that this system has as little real-world applications and value as previous efforts to make digital content available on a limited basis.
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