Planet Of The Apes
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has hidden some additional material on their Special Edition release of the Tim Burton movie, “Planet Of The Apes.”
Insert the first disc of the 2-disc set and from the Main Menu, select the “Special Features” menu entry, and there select “Commentaries.” Once you get to that screen, highlight the “Back” menu entry at the bottom of the screen and then press the “Up” arrow key on your remote control to highlight the symbol of a monkey. Press “Enter” now and you get to see a monkeyed-up version of the movie – or at least part of it.
Also in the “Special Features” menu, select the “Cast & Crew Biographies” entry, then select “Cast” and in that screen select “Estella Warren. In the first page of her biography, press the ”Up“ arrow key on your remote control to highlight the arrow next to her portrait. This will give you access to the actress’ first audition tape for the movie. You can also find audition tapes in the cast biographies for Erick Avari and Luke Eberl.
From the Main Menu, select ”Language Selection“ and highlight the ”Resume Film“ menu entry. Now press the ”Right’ arrow key to highlight the symbol of an ape. This will give you access to the DVD credits.
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