The Simpsons: Treehouse Of Horror
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Extras: Featurette
Apart from the season-wise box set releases, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is also releasing selected episodes of the TV series ’The Simpsons’ as dedicated DVDs. ’Treehouse Of Horror’ is a selection of Halloween episodes from the show, featuring ’Treehouse Of Horror V (1991), VI (1992), VII (1993)’ and strangely enough ’Treehouse Of Horror XII’ from the 2001 season.
The DVD contains some very classic Halloween episodes, such as the 3D-rendered ’Homer 3’, ’The Shinning’ and ’Wiz Kids.’ Each episode, of course, spoofs a movie or other popular entertainment events in the unique Matt Groening/Simpsons fashion and twists the exploits to meet the Simpsons world. It is a hilarious experience every time and makes for some of the best episodes in each season.
The quality of the DVD is, as expected, very good. Colors are vibrant and rich and edges are sharply delineated without edge-enhancement. The print is clean and free of defects or grain, making this a very pleasing presentation of some of the most atmospheric Simpsons episodes.
Featuring Dolby Surround track in English, French and Spanish, the audio presentation is equally satisfying with a clean performance that has a natural frequency response and dynamic range.
Watching the DVD, it almost makes you wish, Fox would release all Simpsons Halloween Specials as a single DVD box set, but that may be pushing it. Nonetheless, ’Treehouse Of Horror’ is a cool DVD that contains the Halloween Specials of the series seasons that have not yet been released on DVD, so make sure to look out for it. You just can’t go wrong with ’The Simpsons’ during Halloween season.