So I Married An Ax Murderer returns in June
So I Married An Ax Murderer has made its way onto Sony Pictures Home Entertainment’s release schedule with a new Deluxe Edition DVD and a Blu-Ray Disc version in June.
Comedy sensation Mike Myers stars with Nancy Travis in this hatchet-driven romantic comedy about a wedlock-shy coffee house poet who finally meets the perfect woman. When it comes to love, Charlie Mackenzie has had his share of bad luck: Sherri was a klepto – Charlie still can’t find his cat. Jill was unemployed – but Charlie knew she really worked for the Mafia. Pam smelled like soup – beef vegetable soup. Good thing for Charlie these shortcomings become apparent, if only to him. Good thing for Charlie he discovered the truth before things went too far – before he stumbled into MARRIAGE! Because to Charlie the “M” word is just one step away from the fate foretold in that chilling phrase: “Till death do us part.” When Charlie meets Harriet Michaels everything changes. Harriet’s not like the others. She’s smart, sexy, and crazy about Charlie. This time Charlie is determined to overcome the fears that sabotaged his past relationships. This time, he’s ready for some commitment. Sure, Harriet may have her shortcomings – but so what? After all those other women, what’s the worst she could be? An axe murderer?
No exact details have been announced for this release but we will make sure to keep you posted as soon as exact specs and bonus materials come in.
“So I Married An Axe Murderer” will arrive in storeso n June 17 and will carry a $19.94 sticker price for the DVD version and a $28.95 price tag on the Blu-Ray version.
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